On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 07:45:23PM +0100, Dietfrid Mali wrote:

> I have been trying to build Wireshark using Eclipse, but I am running 
> into missing header and C files all the way (particularly with many of 
> the decoders in the ASN1 source tree). The reason is that I want to 
> add a few new codecs using libspandsp, have failed in properly adding 
> them so far

The asn1 source tree contains template files and specification files 
that are merged together and use #line and #file pre-processor 
directives to show where everything came from.  There shouldn't be a 
problem finding any headers.

> would like to be able to conveniently debug Wireshark using Eclipse's 
> built-in graphical gdb frontend.

You could always try emacs :)

> Is there an Eclipse project available for building Wireshark on Linux? 

Not that I'm aware of.

> If no, is there general information available how to build Wireshark 
> w/o using the automake stuff it comes with by default?

We have cmake build files.

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