On Mar 27, 2013, at 12:17 PM, Evan Huus <eapa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That patch is a Very Good Thing. I know we discussed a few tweaks (for
> example it probably shouldn't imply -2?), but I think those and the
> actual flag used are bike-shedding at this point.
> I still want to pick some nits, but I'm more than happy to commit the
> current patch now so that at least there's *a* way to do it, even if
> it's not the best way.

OK I attached it to bug 8223.  I'm not claiming it's pretty though. :)

>> I'll try running it with the pcap attached to the bug above to see if it 
>> resolves that issue.
> I strongly suspect it will if I'm understanding all the relevant
> points, but verification would be nice.

Yup, it worked.


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