On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 01:25:51PM -0700, Gerald Combs wrote:
> According to
>   http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qabstractscrollarea.html
> QAbstractScrollArea::addScrollBarWidget lets you specify the alignment
> for scroll bars, so it's at least possible in theory.

Would it make sense to shift development of Qtshark to Qt5? I don't see
much merrit in supporting both Qt4 and Qt5 and at least on my openSUSE
system, I need to reinstall the development packages because they can't
coexist, making build stuff for Qt5 extremly inconvenient. Oh, and regarding
long time maintainance I'd rather have Qt5 support than Qt4 support.

Regarding the other point mentioned in my mail: Can you please add back
the option for the scrollbar on the left side? I looked at it already but
as the patch does several things simultanously I'm likely to undo more
than what is really required?


> On 4/22/13 12:17 PM, Joerg Mayer wrote:
> > Hello Gerald,
> > 
> > sorry to be so late in this.
> > 
> > I *badly* miss the scroll bar on the left side. Is it possible to get it 
> > back?
> > At the beginning of the Qt4 port I spent about one day trying to figure out
> > how to get a scrollbar preference into the Qt port. The end result was, that
> > it isn't trivial (aka not anticipated by Qt4 unless you use right to left 
> > text
> > as well), so it has to be done manually like konsole does, but that is 
> > beyond
> > my capabilities of implementing.
> > There were rumors that Qt5 might actually add this, but I haven't checked 
> > yet
> > whether this is acutally the case.
> > Only after the scrollbar was gone did I realize what you describe as
> > "as recently discussed on -dev" was about the scrollbar reference. I think 
> > this
> > kind of stuff should be discussed on -users, not -dev.
> > 
> > Ciao
> >         Jörg
> > 
> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 06:27:19PM +0000, ger...@wireshark.org wrote:
> >> http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=47214
> >>
> >> User: gerald
> >> Date: 2013/01/22 10:27 AM
> >>
> >> Log:
> >>  GTK+:
> >>  
> >>  Get rid of user-hostile behavior. In the layout preferences pane 2 & 3
> >>  radio buttons overrode the user's selection if a duplicate item was
> >>  selected. Now we assume that the user knows what he or she is doing and
> >>  steal duplicate selections from the other panes.
> >>  
> >>  Qt:
> >>  
> >>  Match the new GTK+ behavior in the layout preferences. Add padding
> >>  around the layout images. Add toolbar style preferences to the
> >>  Appearance pane (instead of the layout pane).
> >>  
> >>  All:
> >>  
> >>  Remove the selection mode and scrollbar placement prefs and mark them
> >>  obsolete as recently discussed on -dev.
> >>  
> >>  Adjust the layout images yet again after more Awful Monitor Testing.
> >>
> >> Directory: /trunk/epan/
> >>   Changes    Path          Action
> >>   +3 -17     prefs.c       Modified
> >>   +0 -3      prefs.h       Modified
> >>
> >> Directory: /trunk/ui/gtk/
> >>   Changes    Path                      Action
> >>   +0 -32     gui_utils.c               Modified
> >>   +0 -4      gui_utils.h               Modified
> >>   +2742 -2751 layouts.h                 Modified
> >>   +6 -2      main.c                    Modified
> >>   +0 -44     packet_list.c             Modified
> >>   +0 -8      packet_list.h             Modified
> >>   +1 -33     packet_panes.c            Modified
> >>   +1 -8      packet_panes.h            Modified
> >>   +1 -1      packet_win.c              Modified
> >>
> >>
> >> (14 files not shown)
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Joerg Mayer                                           <jma...@loplof.de>
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. Some say that should read Microsoft instead of technology.
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