2015-07-11 11:15 GMT+02:00 Yang Luo <hslu...@gmail.com>:

> Hi list,
> In order not to diverge with WinPcap interfaces, I have made a "WinPcap
> Mode" for Npcap, it uses the same system32 directory to put DLLs and has
> the same "npf" service and driver name. So it can be directly used in
> Wireshark without any patch.
> Another news is that I have finished Windows loopback packet capture
> feature in Npcap, Npcap will install an adapter named "Npcap Loopback
> Adapter". And I can see the loopback traffic using Wireshark now (See the
> attached pic). It seems to still have problems, like the "(no response
> found!)" in the ICMPv6 packets (ping ::1) in the pic. I don't know why
> Wireshark shows like this, perhaps you guys can provide me a clue.
> The latest Npcap installer is:
> https://svn.nmap.org/nmap-exp/yang/NPcap-LWF/npcap-nmap-0.01.exe
> I have tested this version Npcap under Wireshark 1.12.6 x64, in Windows
> 8.1 x64 and Windows Server 2016 TP2.
> Notice: You need to try it under Win7 and later, and no need to change the
> installation options, just click the "Next"s. Npcap installed in "WinPcap
> Mode" is exclusive with WinPcap, so you must uninstall WinPcap first
> (installer will prompt you this).
> The README is:
> https://github.com/nmap/npcap
> The implementation internal about loopback traffic feature is:
> http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2015/q3/35
> Cheers,
> Yang

Hi Yang,

I just gave a quick try to Npcap 0.0.1 on my Windows 7 x64 box and it seems
to work pretty well. Congratulations and thanks for your work!
Any chance to add support for dialup / PPP interfaces? This is one of the
WinPcap feature that got lost when transitioning from Windows XP to Vista (

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