Paul, could you give an example, why you chose Qt libraries over Gtk? Was
it not possible, or is it a personal choice?

I do have plugins for WS, which use Qt, but not for dissectors, so I am
just curious, what was missing.


On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Graham Bloice <>

> On 5 August 2016 at 07:54, Paul Offord <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have written a plugin dissector that uses some Qt5 functions.  To build
>> with Visual Studio 2013 I have to manually add some Qt5 libs via Project ->
>> Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies.  This works OK
>> but whenever I run:
>> cmake -D ENABLE_CHM_GUIDES=on -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ..\
>> to prepare the environment the Qt5 additional Dependencies are deleted.
>> How can I add my additional libs to the Cmake process in a way that won’t
>> interfere with the standard build process?  Or should I be doing this some
>> completely different way?
>> Thanks and regards…Paul
> Although I'm suspicious of why a dissector should need anything from Qt,
> have a look at the CMake wiki page for "Finding a library" at
> Basically add the appropriate find_package(), include_directories() and
> target_link_libraries() calls to the CMakeLists.txt of your plugin for the
> QT library you want.
> Note that this behaviour is by design, CMake generates the Visual Studio
> solutions and projects from the info in the CMakeLists.txt files, there is
> no way to make changes in the VS IDE and push them back into the
> CMakeLists.txt files (except if you open the file in the VS editor).
> You might also have to add steps to the CMakeLists.txt to copy the
> required Qt DLL to the staging directory and the update the packaging
> scripts to put it into an installer (packaging\nsis\custom_plugins.txt).
> --
> Graham Bloice
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