On 8/24/23 13:16, Peter Wu via Wireshark-dev wrote:

In the last weeks I started using Wireshark more and noticed some
crashes. I hope to be able to look into it over the next two weeks, and
also address some QUIC issues. Not sure if I will be able to review the
HTTP/3 changes in time.

Do you think it is better to branch, and then cherry-pick, or would a
delay of two weeks be okay?

Among the issues on my TODO list (no GitLab issue yet) is changing the
"manuf" generation process. Right now there is unaligned access reported
by UBSAN. There are several ways to do that, but some of them might
require changing the manuf-data.c format *again*. Since it is a quite
large file, ideally the changes are done once on the main branch before
branching. One potential outcome is that we revert to a text file again,
and convert it to a manuf-data.c file during the build.


Thanks for the report.

Kind regards,

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 10:07:39PM +0200, Alexis La Goutte wrote:
Hi Gerald,

Look good for the planned release

I hope only to have time to integrate the support of HTTP3 headers (with
nghttp3) -> https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/-/merge_requests/9330


On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 11:04 PM Gerald Combs <ger...@wireshark.org> wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to start preparing for the creation of the release-4.2 branch and
the 4.2.0 release. I've come up with the following tentative schedule,
which will give us a couple of release candidates before SharkFest EU and a
final release in November, after SharkFest:

Aug 24 : Release 4.1.0
Aug ?? : Release 4.1.1
Sep ?? : Release 4.1.2
Oct  2 : Create the release-4.2 branch
Oct  4 : Release 4.2.0rc1
Oct 18 : Release 4.2.0rc2
Oct 30 - Nov 3 : SharkFest EU. See you in Brussels!
Nov  8 : Release 4.2.0

If you need to delay any of the above, particularly the release-4.2
branch, please let me know.

New features and improvements in 4.2.0 will include:

- Packet list sorting performance improvements.

- "_ws.col.<x>" display filters.

- More display filter improvements, including raw byte matching (@
field.name == 12:ab:23:cd).

- Some name resolution files (such as "manuf" and "services") are now
compiled in, which reduces startup time.

- A built-in MAC address / OUI dialog.

- A Windows Arm64 installer.

Note that the release-3.6 branch is an LTS branch, so in accordance with
https://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/LifeCycle we'll have three active
release branches until May 2024.
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