> This may be a bit more difficult than it needs to be.  Is your linksys
> router actually your internet gateway?  You said your internet
> connection is wireless, and your drawing lists your pc as the wifi hub.
>  So is your outgoing internet connection your computer via the wifi, or
> the linksys via something else? 

Nonono, my picture must have been misleading.

The WRT54G is connected to a wireless broadband provider (a Motorola 
dish on the roof).  The WRT54G is also our wireless AP.

Two PCs connect directly (hardwired) to the WRT54G.  Two laptops connect 
wirelessly to the WRT54G.  A LAN cable runs from the WRT54G to a switch, 
and another LAN cable runs from that switch to another switch in my office, 
and my PC connects to that switch.

> You can setup your desktop as your son's default gateway, thereby
> forcing all traffic to be sent from his pc, to the linksys, to your
> desktop, then back to the linksys to go out.  It should work, but of
> course it adds some lag time, and your machine would need to be left
> on continuously.  The same thing is accomplished by installing a web proxy
> package on your computer and pointing his browser to it.  

That's a very interesting suggestion.  Unfortunately I do generally turn my PC 
off (put it in standby, actually) when I'm not using it.  That was OK if it 
I just missed logging some traffic, but not if it means I block his access.

> if you're already using nanny software and it's functioning properly
> (he hasn't figured out how to bypass or disable it), you may just want
> to enable full logging in the tool, and that should give you a list of
> everything he does online.  


That's a GREAT idea.  Much simpler than trying to flash a new OS into the 
Linksys to enable remote monitoring.  As long as he doesn't figure out how to 
disable the nanny, I'm golden.  (And he doesn't seem to be all that interested 
in learning how the computer works, just in using it, so I don't think there's 
any worry there.)

The nanny we use (Watchdog) *does* support logging sites.  At least it's 
supposed to.  After fighting with it for an hour I can't get it to actually 
but hopefully that's fixable.  If I can get that working, that'll meet my needs 
just fine.


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