About this topic, Witango allow you to name each column or line in your array variable.
The way is to name to your column/line names is simply available via putting name in column or line 0
<@ASSIGN Local$MyArray[1,0] 'line1'>
<@ASSIGN Local$MyArray[0,1] 'column1'>
so you can use this notation to obtain the equivalent of <@VAR Local$MyArray[1,1]> like this:
<@VAR Local$MyArray[line1,column1]>
Hope that my exemple is understandable ;)
Is there any performance issue when using extensively the named notation?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 5:56 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk:

How can I create an array and name it's columns (and rows for that matter)?  I don't see this in the tango help or snippets, but I do see that you can reference columns by name in an array, and I have done so before.  I just don't know how to create one.

Specifically, I want to name the columns of my array by the columns names of the results columns returned from a search action.


Henning Sittler

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