I use the following to obtain a file name and contents: <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<@CGI><@APPFILE>?_function=insert&<@UserReferenceArgument>">
<INPUT TYPE=FILE SIZE=34 NAME="P_Image" ACCEPT="IMAGE/*"> When I select a file with the "Browse" button it returns the following to the text box. C:\Documents and Settings\fogelst\My Documents\My Pictures\andrusia-lg.jpg I try to extract the file name from P_Image, but P_Image contains the file contents. Bits or bytes or whatever. I want to extract andrusia-lg.jpg. Is there a way to do that? I still want to be able to write the file to the web server with the "File" action. Thanks Steve Fogelson Internet Commerce Solutions ________________________________________________________________________ TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send a plain text/US ASCII email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe witango-talk in the message body