
Please don't take this wrong, but why didn't you check to see if your
proposed name was available in .com prior to changing it?

The .com is just ingrained in peoples mind as the main domain extension
for the company's main site. In IE Browser you can just type the name a
then press ctrl-enter and it will fill in the http:// and .com around it
for you.

Now the other extensions are fine, it is just going to take more
effort/advertising on your part to get people come to the .ca

Hey this is just my opinion ;-)

Ben Johansen - http://www.pcforge.com
Authorized Witango Reseller http://www.pcforge.com/WitangoGoodies.htm 
Latest downloads & List Archives @ http://www.witango.ws

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:owner-witango-talk@;witango.com] On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 6:24 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list witango-talk
Subject: Witango-Talk: OT - Business Name Change

I have recently changed the name of my business (the old name had some
problems associated with it) and I'm finally getting around to changing
subscriptions. Nothing else has changed, just the name of the company
the domain name.

Unfortunately the oakbridge.com domain was not available so I took the
I am interested in hearing from the non-Canadians (off the list please)
regards to their impression of seeing a company with something other
than a
.com domain. I'm looking for both negative and positive feedback.


Steve Smith

Oakbridge Information Solutions
Office: (519) 624-4388
GTA:    (416) 606-3885
Fax:    (519) 624-3353
Cell:   (416) 606-3885
Web:    http://www.oakbridge.ca

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