Whoopeee!  Thanks Mike.  I followed your suggestion and changed the quote value to false and entered the following into the insert/update action value column: <@IFEMPTY "<@ARG 'mintl'>">NULL <@ELSE><@ARG mintl></@IF>  It puts the NULL value in the field in the MSSQL table.

Stefan is correct.  "This only applies to character type fields (char or varchar). You get a NULL if you never referenced that field during an insert or an update. You get an empty string if you do."  I didn't follow the suggestion to get rid of the NULL values in favor of blank fields for this particular action, but I appreciated the explanation and option.

Thanks also to Ben for the suggestion to create a custom column length(column) < 1.

This is a pretty minor problem, but it was annoying, and now it is fixed, and I am grateful.

Mike Tyranski wrote:
I've changed the quote value field to false and used a conditional as the
value like

<@ifempty <@var something scope=local>>
<@var something scope=local>

Charles Brown wrote:

The <NULL> vs just a blank field is not consistent in my MSSQL 2000
database.  Sometmes it enters the <NULL>, sometimes not.  This is
causing a problem is a search action, which identifies the <NULL> and
the "blank" as two seperate values, so I get two or more rows returned
for the same individual.  (My initial search brings back "unique"
individuals meeting the search criteria.  A drill down link is provided
if the user wants to see all the activities associated with a particular
individual.  The drill down still works for individuals that are showing
up more than once, but it is annoying to me and disconcerting to the
users.)  Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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Mike Tyranski
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