I posted a while ago about generating page numbers eBay-style for multiple result 
pages. I'd rather do this in javascript on a per-page basis than do it with Witango, 
and this is as far as I've got:


function GoToPage( id )
window.location = ( 'http://www.bolide.co.uk/actions/image.taf?link=&start=' + id);



<!----------------- nav bar starts here ------------------>

<a href="javascript: GoToPage('1');">1</A> | <a href="javascript: 
GoToPage('11');">2</A> | <a href="javascript: GoToPage('21');">3</A>

<!------------------ nav bar ends here ------------------->

etc, etc

What I'd like to do is to calculate the number of pages from <@TOTALROWS> / 
<@NUMROWS>, round this total up, then use javascript to populate the nav bar 
automagically with the right numbers, and calculate the record number to start from 
from <@NUMROWS>

The id number is the page number, and the start record = ((page number x 

The final wrinkle would be to make the current page number bold

I know I can't do the javascript - can anyone help? I'll post the completed, tested 
code back to the list. The final results would be applicable across the board for any 
dynamically-generated pages
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