I have a table user$DBTable with one column that is created in the List
Function of a taf. This column contains many rows of Record IDs. 

List Function
<@! "Reset Table">
<@assign user$DBTable value="@@resultSet">
<@! "Copy record IDs to new table" >
<@assign user$DBTable value="<@array rows='<@numrows array=<@var
user$DBTable>>' cols='1' value='<@var user$DBTable[*,1]>'>">

I have the following code to create a form to allow the user to input the
number of the row they wish to view detail. I need somehow to translate that
row number to a record id from table user$DBTable to be included as arg
Categories_uid1. I am getting the row number not the record id transfered.
Is there a way to do this or do I need different program logic?

Detail Function
<@assign local$DBRows value="<@numrows array=user$DBTable>">
<@for start="1" step="1" stop="<@var local$DBRows>">
        <@assign local$CurrentRow "<@currow>">
        <@if expr="<@var user$DBTable[<@currow>,1]> = <@column
<form method="post" action="<@cgi><@appfile>">
<input type="hidden" name="_function" value="detail">
<input type="hidden" name="_userReference" value="<@UserReference>">
<input name="Categories_uid1" type="text" size="4" maxlength="7"
value="<@var local$CurrentRow>">
<input type=submit value="Find">


Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions
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