ah yeah, ive heard of that but ive heard it called "telephone"
might be a regional thing (:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: CVS

There is a game that camp fire girls play around the camp fire where the first girl whispers something in the next girls ear and this goes on from girl to girl and the last girl says out loud what she heard from the 2nd to the girl. Then the 1st girl says the original statement.


The fun is to see how much the story changes from girl to girl


Girl is the metaphor for email  LOL! J


Ben Johansen - http://www.pcforge.com
Authorized Witango Reseller http://www.pcforge.com/WitangoGoodies.htm
Authorized MDaemon Mail Server Reseller

-----Original Message-----
Steve Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: CVS


(laughing) Okay I need to ask, what is 'Camp Fire Girls'???

Please let me know.


Steve Smith

Oakbridge Information Solutions
Office: (519) 624-4388
GTA: (416) 606-3885
Fax: (519) 624-3353
Cell: (416) 606-3885
Web: http://www.oakbridge.ca

On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 03:05 PM, Ben Johansen wrote:



Though in my defense,

I was just asking a question about needing a server.


And I can’t tell you how many of my threads have gone “Camp Fire Girls” on me.


Ben Johansen - http://www.pcforge.com
Authorized Witango Reseller http://www.pcforge.com/WitangoGoodies.htm
Authorized MDaemon Mail Server Reseller

-----Original Message-----
From:Steve Smith[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: CVS


To John, Jim, Ben, and Niall:

I'm sure that there are users who appreciate the information that you have provided, however the original post clearly stated:

Does anyone use CVS with their dev studio? I note from the docs that the
studio supports sourcesafe, but we run OSX/linux, so CVS is the way to go.

The dev studio Workspace Files pane is pretty anemic, so I don't know
that I would miss much if I abandoned it. But any tips on integrating
witango development with CVS would be appreciated.

and my followup post asked specifically about OS X. Yet all of the posts that followed went off in a different direction talking about solutions for Windoze platforms. I'm not sure which platform Cornelius was looking for. If it was Windoze then I'm sure that the information was helpful.

I'm suggesting that you please read the posts carefully. If what you are suggesting is not cross-platform, or if it doesn't directly apply to the platform specified in the original post, then please be considerate and say so. That way those of us that prefer working on a different platform don't waste our time.

The Windoze users wouldn't want to read a long discussion and start drooling about machines with 64-bit processors, 8 Gb of RAM and a 1 GH Frontside Bus only to realize that they aren't available on the Intel platform, would they??? (sorry, I couldn't resist that - the new boxes look so cool!)

If there is anyone who has CVS working with the Mac Dev Studio, I'm sure that Bill and I and perhaps a few others would be interested in hearing how they got it configured.


Steve Smith

Oakbridge Information Solutions
Office: (519) 624-4388
GTA: (416) 606-3885
Fax: (519) 624-3353
Cell: (416) 606-3885
Web: http://www.oakbridge.ca

On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 09:37 AM, John McGowan wrote:


Did you read my post about TortiseCVS? It's much better than WinCVS (IMO) and it allows you to setup local repositories as well. The strength lies in thefact that you don't have to startup a program to do your cvs work. Tortise adds all the cvs commands to the "right-click" menu for files and folders.

Because of the way tortise handles CVS functions, integrating with the Witango Editor would be more of a hinderence that what I have now, because it means that if I had a CVS module with a mix of tango and other code (which i have many) i would have to start up tango to checkout or check in something that has nothing to do with tango.


Jim Kass wrote:


I thought I'd chime in on this discussion. Just for the record, I'm using
winCVS right now on an XP box.

It would be nice if it were more integrated into the Tango environment, but
its not really that big of a deal to just open winCVS to do a commit at the
end of a series of changes. Also, winCVS allows you to write macros using
python, so extending it is pretty simple. I suppose you could even write a
script that using XML built a log of which DTD elements were changed since
the last rev, instead of the rather ambiguous "diff" function which unless
you know your Tango DTD really well is pretty unreadable even for the
smallest changes.

At the moment I'm using CVS locally, but once I can convince the company to
adapt their ways, we'll have a remote directory on a Solaris or Linux box
somewhere, and we'll get into the habit of doing a 'cvs update' before
editing any files in our local sandbox. Because CVS doesn't care how many
people 'check-out' files - concurrent development is possible, and then at
the point of 'committ' cvs can check your last rev against the current rev
to determine if it has been changed since you started editing it - a simple
way of protecting against overwriting other people's changes.

winCVS doesn't have a great interface, and honestly - I would prefer to just
use the cvs command-line version in cygwin (and of course for you OSX folks,
you've got a command-line version already installed in Darwin). In its
defense, winCVS does have the nice feature of colorizing files that have
been modified locally, so you always remember what you may have changed, and
it has filters that help you find what you want. For windows users, it's
pretty much the only solution out there if you intend to use CVS.

I've heard that CVS has some competitors in the open-source community,
anyone know anything more?


Jim Kass
Web Developer

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Johansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: CVS

Ok, Question,

Going to the Jalindi Igloo site http://www.jalindi.com/igloo/index.html
I see a download, but is this and adder to WinCVS?
Is the download all inclusive or do you need someother package?

Ben Johansen - http://www.pcforge.com
Authorized Witango Reseller http://www.pcforge.com/WitangoGoodies.htm
Authorized MDaemon Mail Server Reseller

-----Original Message-----
From: Niall Merrigan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: CVS

Using a piece of software known as Jalindi Igloo you can use CVS
as your source control. The software (which is free) enables CVS
source control through the Witango IDE similar to SourceSafe

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Cornelius Conboy wrote:

->I'd appreciate hearing first hand tips on this as well. We're
->it but have not yet moved toward implementation.

Niall Merrigan

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