I don't use it.

The JDBC driver was recently rewritten, still not faster than ODBC and shouldn't ever be.


On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 12:01 AM, Christian Platt wrote:

Robert, see below for Appserver. I remember the problems with Snap/JDBC.

The Problem ist that those disadvantage also appear with iODBC...



Von: Robert Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Antworten an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 23:16:06 -0700
Betreff: Re: Witango-Talk: Now The Bean Test (Was Boosting . . .)

PrimeBase does have an app server. Openbase used to, I guess they have
gone completely webobjects.

I believe that witango uses a standard implementation of JDBC, I don't
think WO does. I remember PrimeBase having to rework there JDBC driver
to work with WO 5, and it was a pain. Anyway, I am not sure why
openbase wouldn't work with witango, but WithEnt is just rolling out
this feature, maybe they will be able to accomodate it.


On Sunday, July 6, 2003, at 10:51 PM, Christian Platt wrote:

Hi Robert,

Sorry that i cannot follow your thoughts. OpenBase is a database, not
application server. PrimeBase does have the PrimeBase
applicationserver, nor
does OpenBase.

The problem i do have is that neither ODBC or JDBC works completely
witango. Not a problem with Apples WebObjects.


Von: Robert Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Antworten an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 14:25:58 -0700
Betreff: Re: Witango-Talk: Now The Bean Test (Was Boosting . . .)

One of the bummers about openbase, is that they want you to use there
app server, and they aren't going to modify there product/drivers to
help you out, unless it affects there app server.

I have an excellent relationship with primebase, and am even doing
development work for them. The end result is that they make
modifications to there ODBC/JDBC drivers, and recently even their
server code to accomodate issues I have found, and some of them were
only related to witango. They are currently working on a maintenance
release, and they give me the prerelease of there ODBC/JDBC drivers to
fully test them before they go to production.

Because of my involvement with Witango and PrimeBase, I think this
makes primebase an excellent choice for the witango community. As long
as I am around, it will be a top performer for the platform.

I have spent the last couple of months with primebase tuning blob
performance between witango/odbc/primebase. I would put it up against
anything. I will demonstrate at the conference.


On Saturday, July 5, 2003, at 02:03 PM, Christian Platt wrote:

Lucky one!
I try to work with 5.0.9. Studio is wonderful up and working, but
datatypes (varchar for example) crash the driver.
But  i do have to use OpenBase, not primebase. (I am not sure with
frontbase, will give it a try next week).

I am triying to connect to openBase since November 2002! (iODBC).
some workarounds (date, time, and limitations - no international
characters) i can work with that version, which showed me the
of witango vs. Tango 2000 on OS 9. (But there it just works- my good
old and slow butler :-)!)


Am Samstag, 05.07.03 um 22:40 Uhr schrieb Robert Garcia:

I have a working JDBC database, PrimeBase has had working JDBC
drivers for some time.

I just dl'd the latest Witango studio for OS X, 5.0.9, which will be
out shortly according to phil.

With 5.0.7, I could load the primebase driver, but when I expanded
the tables, I did not get the fields, with 5.0.9, it worked.


On Saturday, July 5, 2003, at 01:33 PM, Christian Platt wrote:

I would like a working JDBC-database( to OpenBase,Frontbase)
connection before anything else. I'm running out of time now.


p.s. might be i should post this to beta, but i do not get any
answers anywhere how far development is.

Am Samstag, 05.07.03 um 21:13 Uhr schrieb Robert Garcia:

No need to wait for the compiler, soon is now. I think the
is going to be an exciting thing. But I am pretty sure that it
be no match to what you could manually do in a bean, optimizing it
your self. Hopefully, the compiler will spit out the .java file as
well as the .jar, so that one could open the .java file and tweak
it if they so desired. That way the compiler will build your
structure and save you time, but you could tweak the algorithm.

Also, one of the thing that the Witango community lacks right now
is source for useful components to get you going. When I program
RB, I can go to several sites and do searches and can find someone
elses work in the same area to get my moving in the right
direction. For instance, when I built the WitangoHelper, I found
someone who wrote a CGI shell for RB a few years ago that was
designed to work as an apple CGI with apple events. I stripped out
all of the appleevent stuff, but kept all of the work he did for
parsing arguments and decoding URLEncoded text.

Do you know how many custom JAVA classes are out there? IMHO, this
is what we have been waiting for. Time to go *ssholes and elbows
you ask me. ;-). (For the kangaroo set, that means get deep into


On Saturday, July 5, 2003, at 08:37 AM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

But soon, with the Witango Java Compiler, we'll be able to cast
off the
extra wheels and compete with our skill set at a substantially
developer market level.

-- Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
CTO - eventpix.com
2781 N Carlmont Pl
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
ph: 805.522.8577 - cell: 805.501.1390
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Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
CTO - eventpix.com
2781 N Carlmont Pl
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
ph: 805.522.8577 - cell: 805.501.1390
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/ - http://theradmac.com/

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Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
CTO - eventpix.com
2781 N Carlmont Pl
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
ph: 805.522.8577 - cell: 805.501.1390
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/ - http://theradmac.com/

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Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
CTO - eventpix.com
2781 N Carlmont Pl
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
ph: 805.522.8577 - cell: 805.501.1390
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/ - http://theradmac.com/

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Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
CTO - eventpix.com
2781 N Carlmont Pl
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
ph: 805.522.8577 - cell: 805.501.1390
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/ - http://theradmac.com/

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