Win2K sp3 server, R:Tango 2000, R:Base 6.5

I'll try to explain this as best I can. I am having trouble with my domain
variables. When I restart Witango services or it restarts itself, my domain
variables are reset to old values, not the current ones. The current values
are stored in a database table. Are domain variables stored in a cache that
reloads if the service restarts?

This is how my application works. FYI: I have patterned it after James
Carroll's Storefront.

Every time a visitor hits the home page, Default.taf, it checks to see if
the Object Instance Variable <@VAR domain$Common> for catalog.tcf is empty.
If it is, it calls catalog.tcf. The On_Create method calls the method within
itself called InitializeSystemVariables. This method checks a domain
variable <@VAR Domain$Initialized> to see if it is empty. If it is empty, it
reads the database table and resets the variables.

I can manually reset the variables with a method in catalog.tcf called
ReloadSystemVariables which reads a database table of these variables and
sets them up as domain variables. When I run that method, the domain
variables are reset to the current variables in the table.

I assume when the service restarts, that is clears all domain variables. In
particular Domain$Initialized, so when the first visitor hits Default.taf,
the application would reset the variables from the current values in the

Any help would be appreciated.

Steve Fogelson
Internet Commerce Solutions

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