Title: Re: Witango-Talk: <@CGIPARAM CLIENT_IP> gives server IP
The CGIPARAM values are passed through to the plug-in and onto the witango server via the web server's api.  We do not make any changes to the data, we just request it via the web servers api.  To give you an idea below is a small code sample of how the wapache client calls the apache api to get the parameter information to populate the CGIPARAM data.  This is just a few of the calls made to populate the CGIPARAM info.

The call of interest is:
    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_REMOTE_ADDR, (const char*) ap_req->connection->remote_ip);

    request_rec *ap_req

    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_REQUEST_METHOD, (const char*)ap_req->method);
    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_REMOTE_USER, (const char*) ap_req->user);
    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_HTTP_REFERER, apr_table_get(ap_req->headers_in, "referer"));
    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_HTTP_USER_AGENT, apr_table_get(ap_req->headers_in, "user-agent"));
    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE, (const char*)  ap_req->content_type);
    WiRequestSetAtrtibute(hrequest, WISP_ATTR_REMOTE_ADDR, (const char*) ap_req->connection->remote_ip);


On 22/8/03 3:26 PM, "Garth Penglase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would be interested in seeing what info is returned when I look at
> the tags on your server - this is on your Linux box is it? However, I
> think this issue is one for With since they need to explain how it
> works for us.
> Phil - any clues?
> Garth
>> Did this thread get resolved or dropped?
>> This sure looks like a bug to me, because both address and ip give me the
>> ip address of the firewall to which my website is mapped (via CNAME)
>> rather than the address and ip of the client.
>> I've run the request in browsers on both the server and a client within
>> our firewall, both of which have valid A and PTR records.
>> This is a problem for me, because I need to have a backdoor for a server
>> cron job (a swish-e indexing spider that builds an index for each URL
>> that the application hosts).  I need to have an appfile that validates
>> the spider based on it's IP address (either or the private
>> address on the LAN).  Then it gives it a link to the index.taf page at
>> which indexing actually starts.
>> If witango can't validate, then I guess I will use apache directives to
>> control access to the back door.
>> But I would really like to understand what's happening with this metatag.
>>> That's really strange Christian, because when I look up your page
>>> below both CLIENT_ADDRESS and CLIENT_IP give me your server's IP ,
>>> but not my IP address, which, according to the manual isn't correct.
>>> Maybe you have something "interesting" in your network setup that is
>>> returning your server's IP address instead of the client IP address.
>>> I would look at any setup which is out of the ordinary (I nat
>>> trasnlation / IP re-drections etc.) for the answer first before
>>> asking support since it seems from the trials conducted here that it
>>> is only either:
>>> a) your server
>>> b) Mac OS X app server
>>> Anyone else using macosx wi5 that can test this for us?
>>> cheers
>>> Garth
>>>> Maybe, but wit OS X You also get the server-adress.
>>>> Have a look at http://www.apocm.de/ip.taf
>>>> Still no feedback from support - as usual :-(
>>>> Christian
>>>> Von: Garth Penglase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Antworten an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Datum: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 19:00:30 +1000
>>>> Betreff: Re: Witango-Talk: <@CGIPARAM CLIENT_IP> gives server IP
>>>> I have always used CLIENT_ADDRESS instead of CLIENT_IP since if the
>>>> web server is set to DNS lookup you'll get the domain name and if
>>>> not, then the IP address. It seems to have worked reliably for me.
>>>> See the taf below for full details on CGIPARAM function calls
>>>> http://bbmedia.com.au/bb/cgiparam.taf
>>>> cheers
>>>> Garth
>>>> No, ist just a problem related to system.
>>>> That tells you much more...
>>>> Have a look at http://www.apocm.de/ip.taf
>>>> Christian
>>>> Organisation: SoftDes GmbH
>>>> Antworten an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Datum: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 18:19:01 +0200
>>>> Betreff: Re: Witango-Talk: <@CGIPARAM CLIENT_IP> gives server IP
>>>> ???
>>>> Check it out: www.softdes.de/ip.taf
>>>> regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Christian Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:01 PM
>>>> Subject: Witango-Talk: <@CGIPARAM CLIENT_IP> gives server IP
>>>>>   Ho can i check the IP of the user calling my taf.
>>>>>   <@CGIPARAM NAME="CLIENT_IP"> gives the IP of my witango-Server
>>>>>   So how can i get access to client ip?
>>>>>   Is the FULL_REQUEST gone?
>>>>>   Christian
>> Bill
>> William M. Conlon, P.E., Ph.D.
>> Consulting Engineer
>> 345 California Avenue Suite 2
>> Palo Alto, CA 94306
>>    vox:  650.327.2175 (direct)
>>    fax:  650.329.8335
>> mobile:  650.906.9929
>> e-mail:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>    web:  http://www.wmconlon.com
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