
Is this server you are sending out from a TLD?  Or is it on a virtual
server. I just found out that on a virtual server, what I mean is a server
that is not a TLD, you have to do some configuring to get it worked out.

What I mean is www.myserver.com running a SMTP with it on IIS,  will send
out just fine. If you run  http://virtual.myserver.com with IIS and a SMTP,
then you are going to have to do  some configuring..etc..

Just something that I just found out the hard way.

Hope this isn't your case..


On 8/28/03 3:23 PM, "Wilcox, Jamileh (HSC)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> OK, I've got these puppies set up and am starting to do the mailings.
> This is an html-formatted email with a pdf attachment.  One email
> address in the TO (recipient from database), two emails in the BCC
> (TheDoctor, Me).
> I just sent the first batch out  -  only 17 emails.  I received all 17,
> but one still shows up in the C:\InetPub\mailroot\Queue\ directory of
> the server.  It shows a modified filedate of 3.07 (it's currently 3.21
> on that machine).  I double-checked, and I did receive a copy of the
> email to this person.
> Can anyone give me a clue as to what the problem is, or what I should
> do?  I've been checking around and am not finding much help on this.
> Thanks very much!     j
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