Hi Mihai,

I've been in your shoes before. What you need is for Witango to
automatically send you an email when an error occurs.

I quickly yanked some files from another project and put together something
that might help you.

How to set it up:

Either add the location of the "error-html.inc" file as the value for
DEFAULTERRORFILE, or just put the following in all of your Error HTML
results windows:

<@include file="<@appfilepath>error-html.inc">

The attached files:

~ "test-error.taf" - demonstrates an error on purpose, and executes the
error trap which automatically sends you an email.

~ "error-html.inc" - the include that captures data and calls the
"error-class.tcf" file.

~ "error-alert.inc" - supplement to "error-html.inc".

~ "error-class.tcf" - basic TCF file that contains the email action and
sends the error data.

~ "error-messages.xml" - for providing descriptions to custom errors that
you may throw. Maybe not be very useful to you, but it was easier to leave
the code in than to remove it. Just ignore it if you like.

The email action sends to the address of MAILDEFAULTFROM, so you might need
to configure this in your t4server.ini file, or hard code your own address.

Also make sure you have a working SMTP server configured in t4server.ini

Attached are versions for Witango v5 and Tango 2000 because scoping and
error trap features are different. The v5 of course writes the
Metastacktrace info.

There are few other features, but I'll leave those up to the curious to
figure out :-)

If anybody has trouble receiving these attachments, I'll also set these up
on my server and let you know the address shortly.

This code is provided free, without warranty and does not promise to solve
all of life's problems.....

The bottom of this email contains a sample of what data is captured:

Note: any variables generated during the error trap activity are not display
so as not to confuse the reader, plus any variable with the name "password"
or "ConfigPasswd" are purposely masked so as not to be exposed accidentally
to site visitors.

-18. Error during expression evaluation.

=========REQUEST DETAILS=====================
URL(port:80): localhost/witango/test/test-error.taf?sdfsd=sdddd 
Client: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR
Client IP: 
Client Referrer: [None] 
Client HTTP Content-Type: [None] 
Client HTTP Method: GET 

---------HTTP GET (SEARCH) ARGUMENTS---------

---------HTTP POST ARGUMENTS-----------------

=========SERVER ERROR DETAILS================
Server: localhost:80 
Product: Witango Application Server (Multiple Edition)
Platform: Windows2000/5.1; INTEL
Version: Chimera (Win32)
Server Timestamp: Thursday, September 04, 2003 07:59:36 PM Server Timezone
Error Length: 11 milliseconds.

Server: Witango_Server_5
Class: Internal
Application File: /witango/test/test-error.taf
Position: Results
Main Error Number: -18 
Secondary Error Number: 0
UserReference: FD061DAEE46E44043F57E72B
Main Message: Error during expression evaluation.
Secondary Message: Comparison operator expected in statement [aaaa + bbbb]
Error Message: 
Help Message: 

LINE:0001 &lt;@CALC EXPR=&quot;aaaa + bbbb&quot;&gt; 

---------USER VARIABLES---------------------- 

---------REQUEST (LOCAL) VARIABLES----------- 


---------SERVER STATUS-----------------------

=========END OF ERROR DETAILS================


Scott Cadillac,
XML-Extranet - http://xmlx.ca
403-281-6090 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well-formed Development
Extranet solutions using C# .NET, Witango, MSIE and XML

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 5:50 PM
> Subject: Witango-Talk: Debugging techniques
> Hello all,
> Since I turned debugging on, I realized my code wasn't as as 
> perfect as
> I thought :-) !
> So now I am using LOGGINGLEVEL=LogLevel1 and get occasionally errors (
> [Error] 170, Error] -101, incorrect MSSQL operation in most 
> of the cases
> ). 
> The debugging information does not offer enough to pinpoint the
> offending code.
> I am under the impression that enabling higher logging levels 
> would have
> a severe impact on a production server, and I cannot 
> reproduce the error
> on the development system.
> So, I have modified the error.htx to record all errors, and I also
> provide an entry for the users to explain the event, but so 
> far without
> success (they just don't bother entering the information).
> I am looking to get information similar to that displayed 
> when debugging
> is enabled.
> My server is running: WindowsNT /SP4, Tango 2000/SP1, MSSQL 7
> Questions: 
> 1-
> Is there any way I can get more meaningful information to help in the
> debugging ? Or is there another way to gather more 
> information about the
> problem? 
> MSSQL problems of this sort can be solved by redesign, of 
> course; so the
> solution should be applicable to any type of errors.
> 2-
> We are going to buy wiTango 5.0 next month. Is debugging any easier in
> witango 062 ?
> 3-
> Has anybody experienced the cookie buffer overflow problem? I am
> interested in what was recorded (in logging files) and if both 
> the Tango Server and Tango ServerWatcher quitted working.
> Many thanks,
> Mihai.
> ______________________________________________________________
> __________
> TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Go to http://www.witango.com/maillist.taf

TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Go to http://www.witango.com/maillist.taf

Attachment: error-trap-and-email-v5.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

Attachment: error-trap-and-email-v4.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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