Title: Message
Thank you for your suggestions and especially on using <@URL> (it never crossed my mind of using it).
I will probably collect <@userReference> from the webserver log file (which also provides the time, so I know which references are still current) and it is probably saving CPU. So somehow my problem gets solved.
1- the side-effect of using <@VARNAMES> cannot be ignored and/or cancelled (it is not only a memory but also a security concern);
2- I cannot understand why the server does not provide a simple method to get both all current <@UserReference>s and associated (name,vals) pairs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Shubert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: Accessing User Variables

Step 1. Record all USERREFERENCES


 A. If you have a clearly defined login procedure, add an @ADDROWS to create a one column domain array containing each USERREFERENCE created. Use the variable timeout trigger to remove the USERREFERENCE from the array. You might want to consider adding a timestamp column as well, to track creation time, this in optional.


B. If you do not have a clearly defined login, you’ll have to run your @ADDROWS whenever you might be establishing a USERREFERENCE. You can always record in a user var that you’ve done this step, and can skip it from then on.


Step 2. @URL to fetch the uservars.


A. Create an application (showuservars.taf) that:


 @ASSIGNS request$varnames <@VARNAMES scope=user>

 @ROWS array=varnames

            <@COL 1>: <@VAR user$<@COL 1>>



B. Loop through the domain variable containing all USERREFERENCEs and


 @URL location=showuservars.taf?_UserReference=<@COL 1>


Remember that each time you run this script you’ll reset ALL user scopes to the default timeout. If you run this repeatedly in less time then the user var timeout is, your server will never clear user vars, and eventually exhaust its memory.


Robert Shubert



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:17 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Accessing User Variables



Hello all,


The problem that I have is to find out:

1-  what <@UserReference>s are current;

2-  what variables are associated with a particular <@UserReference> and their respective values.


I have checked the documentation but could not find this infromation. <@VARNAMES> only gives these values for the current user's session, not for all active users (some of those might not even be logged in).


From what I understand, this information is already available to the server (this is how it keeps track of variables & timeouts) but I do not know how to acquire it. I imagine two calls would solve the problem: one would return the array of <@UserReference>s, the other the pairs (name, values) of variables associated with one particular <@UserReference>.


Of course I can save all <@UserReferences> and created variables in a DB and also update them when modified. This will however collect a lot of info that I do not need and have a major negative impact on performance.

It's got to be an easier way.


I would really appreciate if anybody can help and provide hints to a solution or point to documentation that might have escaped me.

My apologies if this issue has been already solved in previous messages; I made a search but I could not find what I needed.




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