What I do for situations like this is:

- Sort the search results by date
- Assign a variable (local/request scope) before the <@ROWS> loop begins and make the value empty
- Once inside the <@ROWS> loop, check to see if the value of the date for the current record is equal to the variable. If it is, don't display the date. If it isn't, assign the value of the date for the current record to the variable, then display the value of the date.

The first time through, the check always fails because the variable is empty. From then on, it only shows if it is changed.

Hope this helps,

Steve Smith

Oakbridge Information Solutions
Office: (519) 624-4388
GTA: (416) 606-3885
Fax: (519) 624-3353
Cell: (416) 606-3885
Web: http://www.oakbridge.ca

On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 11:56 PM, Campbell Steve wrote:

Hey everyone

I have a simple detail page that I am using to show daily news.  Nothing special and/or nothing really out of the ordinary.  What I need is this.

I need to display these daily news posts on my news page.  The only thing is that I don’t want to display my date on every post.  What I mean by this is the following.

My fields show like this   
 Date – datehere
Title  -  news Title here
Story – scrollable textare here for the story.

Now, when I come in later in the day and post another news item, I don’t want the same date to show up again on my detail page...news page..the page that I am using to show all my news.

So, I would presume the easiest way to do this is to go ahead and let it add the date each time I post a new news item, then do  a search action at the beginning of my taf that can compare to see if the day-date is already there. Then if it is, it would just leave it blank with the elseif.    Would that be the easiest way???

If this makes sense and you have some idea of what I am needing to find out here, then any help would be appreciated. If it doesn’t make sense, I am sorry. My explaining skills aren’t that great sometimes.

Forerunners Org


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