I've seen issues like the video card story and such myself. Drivers are
so critical in servers, and in fact a very minimum of additional
hardware is a good thing in servers. A few people have pointed out ATA
hard drive problems, and it's very true that some drives, older ones
especially, do not have the thermal and physical durability required for
servers. One of the benefits I have coming from the Mac platform is a
thorough understanding of SCSI. Look at the drive itself.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonah Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Invalid Boot Device

Hey Dan!

What did you mean by its wanting to blame Witango?

The only time I've had an invalid boot message and haven't changed the
environment is when a hd is about to carp out on me. That can happen
erratically as well. I had a hard drive that would boot or not boot
depending on the correct alignment of the stars and current tide. As
soon as
it was made a slave I had no more problems with it. Weird.

Its weird that its happened multiple times for you, but if the machines
production servers, they're probably getting hit pretty hard. Have the
drives all been from the same manufacturer?

Hopefully things go better for you this time!

Jonah Simpson

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Invalid Boot Device

> There is no reason as far as I can tell that Witango would mess with
> the boot device. Usually problems like this have to do with the
> drivers or motherboard. Overheating may also cause wierd stuff. I
> would recommend that you check all fans in the box., stay away from
> any drivers and/or hardware that is not on the HAL list, and make
> sure you have the most up to date bios.
> Believe it or  not, I had a video card that was giving me fits for
> months because of the driver. It was not on the HAL list, but it
> always worked with NT 4.0 so I thought it was okay. The problem was I
> had to learn the hard way. There were no exception errors, nothing in
> the event viewer, no way to trace the problem. I ended up by running
> the machine in VGA mode for several months on a tip from a google
> search.... and WALLA WALLA BING BANG... no freezes, no errors, no
> missing boot devices etc. etc. etc.
> I have been up for over 9 months now without a hiccup after replacing
> that video card...(knock on wood)
> Hope this helps.
> >OK need some help from you windows experts.
> >
> >For the second time in three months a server at the schools data
> >running
> >Windows 200 Sever latest Service Packs
> >MS SQL 2000 latest service pack
> >IIS 5.0
> >WiTango Server latest version
> >VNC
> >Backup software
> >
> >Has on reboot come up with invalid boot device.
> >
> >It seems to want to blame this on WiTango so I am wondering if anyone
> >has seen this and or they have other ideas.
> >
> >They are installing windows to another partition or have put another
> >in to install it to and then they will bee able to get to the files.
> >
> >Then on another machine they are restoring the whole system, apps etc
> >tape.
> >
> >Then we will move the latest files over.
> >
> >Next week they will have the formerly crashed machine wiped and have
> >2000 server installed. I will come in and install SQL 2000 and
> >move the database and application files over.
> >
> >But in the meantime what could be going on?
> >
> >Dan
> >
> >
> >--
> >Dan Stein
> >Digital Software Solutions
> >799 Evergreen Circle
> >Telford PA 18969
> >Land: 215-799-0192
> >Mobile: 610-256-2843
> >Fax 413-410-9682
> >FMP, WiTango, EDI,SQL 2000
> >www.dss-db.com
> >
> >
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