Hi All,
I have three basic questions..please educate me...
My DB Server is oracle
1) Can we run Tango on one server and Database Server on another? If yes how
do I make the tango to talk to the database that is running on the other
2) Can we run more than one tango daemon on a same server? Will that improve
my performance? How do we configure for the balancing?
3) How can we have tango app server load balanced when it is installed in
more than one server? how does it talks to the database located in a diff.
machine (same as first question)? Do I have to use the database config files
to achieve this, for example ora files for oracle?
I have one another server with me where I have installed tango but don't
have idea of configuring it to a database located in another machine. My
current setup has both app server and db server located on same machine.
Thanks a lot...

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