
It seems to happen both with redirects as well as frame references.

Please let me know when you find it. Do you know if there is a fix out there?


> I saw something on one of the Mac sites yesterday complaining that the
> latest Windows IE (in XP) "breaks" the redirect - could that be your
> problem? (I'm not looking forward to this myself as we use redirects
> EVERYWHERE). Hmm, now I cannot find that reference! I'm going to look
> for it for future reference, though.
> On Feb 18, 2004, at 9:10 AM, Stephen Su wrote:
>> We have a site completely built on witango that is accessed via. the
>> "https" gateway. It is built around multiple frames. When people try
>> to login, they seem to make it into our validation process, but then
>> are kicked back out of the site. This happens only on windows machines
>> and mostly on XP. No clients have problem from their office computers,
>> most occurrences only happen at home. Is there a security setting in
>> XP or any of the windows systems that's causing this? Any other common
>> experiences?
>> Please advise,
>> Stephen
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