That's what I thought.

We typically have the logging set to show actions. Which takes up a lot of disk space, but is very helpful in proving that there was "user error" in some situations. I'm considering just shutting down logging right now. I just know that if I do i'm going to get a call the next day asking to investigate a problem that a user experienced.


Robert Shubert wrote:

I agree that those files are something to consider. You might want to
think about making a simple BAT that would zip/encrypt/password the
files each night. They would then be available to you if you wanted. The
suggestion of post processing, perhaps with a regex command is also

An argument might be made that LogLevel=1 should not contain post/search
arguments. I guess the log might still be useful in the long run for
basic access/error searching.

One thing that I am asking for in the next major release is an
ERRORSONLY logging class. At first I was thinking this for the
witangoevents.log file, but I can also see it useful in the regular log.
This wouldn't necessarily solve the problem you brought up, but if the
log contained only error data, it would be much smaller and more useful
with the occasional time you needed such data.

Aside from my free-thinking, there are no current mechanisms with which
to deal with your problem. I would assign the log folder to a non-shared
partition of the server if you can, or off the server on a machine with
more security, and less public access.


-----Original Message-----
From: John McGowan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: logging and security

Many times we leave Witango logging turned on so we can debug a problem after it's been reported by a user. When that site is one that does e-commerce, there is a problem. The Witango log contains all the post arguments passed in and variable changes etc... that data could be sensitive, and not something we want laying around.

Is there any way to control the witango logging system to not print certain post args, and not show the value of certain variables when they


Otherwise the only thing i can think of is to run a program that processes the logfile after it has been rolled to stirp out any patterns

that we don't want in the logfile.




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