We have just made available the first public beta release of the Witango Server 5.5b.002 for Windows and Mac OS X. The beta versions of the Linux and Solaris servers will be released in the next few days.

The Witango Server 5.5 public beta installers has been posted on the site with associated information such as license information and What's New document - http://www.witango.com/beta.taf

Version 5.5 of the software incorporates several new features which include:

* integration to LDAP
* improved Document Cache
* improved Data Source Pool and Cache
* improved XML parser
* DOM2/XPath
* Publishing a TCF as a SOAP web service
* Changes to the encoding mechanisms
* New Meta Tags
* a swag of improvements aimed at making your development more productive.

A full list of changes is available in the What's New document that is part of the download. Make sure that you read this document. It is still a draft document and your feedback on what information needs to be added or clarified is appreciated.

For those who do test the beta releases, please ensure that all bugs and issues are reported back to us through the beta page which has a "Log a Bug" option. The engineers will monitor the bug track database and will investigate all bugs reported via this interface first. Also remember that if you do not report a bug, we cannot fix it, so please take the time to report them (with a test case if possible).

As with other beta tests please do not use the Witango-Talk list to discuss any issues about the beta release of the server. This is not for secrecy, simply courtesy to those on the Witango-Talk list that do not have the time to read emails relating to the betas.

A mail list ( Beta-Talk ) has also been specifically set up for all discussions of the beta release of the 5.5 server. To join the Beta-Talk list send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with JOIN Beta-Talk in the subject field. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your request to join the list. If you do not follow the instructions in the confirmation email your subscription to the list will not work. If you want information on the list server commands such as DIGEST simply email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with HELP in the subject field.

Witango Support

TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Go to http://www.witango.com/developer/maillist.taf

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