Hey Gang,

I've added the following line to my Apache 2.0.49 (Win32) httpd.conf file:

        AddType application/witango-application-file .jsp

so that the .jsp files I'm converting to TML (not TAF) files are passed
along to Witango 5.
It works fine if the .jsp files are TAFs, but not if they're TML files.

I've also seen a suggestion in the list to add:
        ForceType application/witango-application-file

Likewise, this will work for JSPs masquerading as TAF files but not TML

Does anyone know what the "application/blah-blah-blah" would be for the
Apache TML Handler?  Does such Apache handler exists?  I've tried, without
        AddType application/witango-tml-file .jsp
        AddType application/witango-meta-file .jsp

- Matt

Matt Muro                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Harvard University                           phone:  617.998.8522
Division of Continuing Education       fax:      617.495.9176

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