Hi Richard,
How is the list of locations generated and what do they represent?  how are you using them in your program?
Just wondering, why is it you want to store the formula-text in the database?  If the database gave you the answer instead of the formula, would you still need the text of the formula?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Distance Calculations - Sort on..., search on...

Distance Calculation is no problem, that works. Here the formula:

<@CALC EXPR="ACOS(SIN(@@User$Breite_1)*SIN(<@COLUMN 'Adressen.Geo_Breite'>) + COS(@@User$Breite_1)*COS(<@COLUMN 'Adressen.Geo_Breite'>)*COS(<@COLUMN 'Adressen.Geo_laenge'>-@@User$Laenge_1)) * 6378,388" Precision="1">

The problem what I have is:
1) To do a sort of the result (OK, I can do it in a array, but this need to much RAM [more as 2500 records, nearly 50x on one time])
2) To do a search in a specified area like "show me all points near x miles(km).
One way what make sense is to store the formula in the database, but
- if i make a assign to a variable, then Witango store only the result. What I like to store is the formula-text:
Second problem: I can't do a sort on the stored formula (Sort command: <@COLUMN 'Adressen.formel' Encoding="Metahtml">)
Any Successions ?
THX for help

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