Hi Edmund !

Thanks for your reply but I can't get hold of it anyway.
I can't get the normal HTML page in Request 1 to show without <PUSH>
because I use 
branch to reconnect to Request 2 and Witango execute all components from
start to the end (Request 1 and 2). And <PUSH> makes my Excel HTTP
header not to work in Request 2, it ends up in the browser.
Can I redirect any other way or what am I missing ?


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Edmund Edgar (mailing list account) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 20 december 2004 00:39
Ämne: Re: Witango-Talk: Showing progress bar before opening resultset in

Hi Bengt.

When you send the HTML to show the progress bar and <PUSH> it out to the

browser, your application server sends the browser a bunch of HTTP
to tell it to show your content as a normal HTML page.

If you want to show both an HTML page (for show a progress bar) and an  
Excel page (for the data), you'll have to send the browser two pages,
two distinct HTTP requests.

For example, you could do it like this:

Request 1 will:
    - Send some normal HTML page HTTP headers.
    - Do the calculations.
    - Write the progress bar.
    - Save the results of the calculations in a USER-scope variable.
    - Set another USER-scope variable to say it's finished (in case the

script got stopped halfway through).
    - Redirect to the user to Page 2.

Request 2 will:
    - Check if the calculations have been finished. (You set a
variable to let you check that in Request 1)
    - Send the Excel HTTP headers.
    - Send the results of the calculations from your other USER-scope  
variable. (You saved them in request 1.)
    - Clear the USER variables.


On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 16:13:27 +0100, Bengt Bredin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Hi all !
> I have a working app that do sql searches, calculations and then
> the resultset in Excel.
> I'm trying to insert a progress bar to the browser while the search
> calculation works.
> I insert a pushed result action before the sql and calc parts and it
> shows in the browser ok
> but when the sql and calc are finished the result now only shows in
> browser and not to Excel.
> If it's not possible to use push, how can I create a progress bar
> presenting the resultset to Excel ?
> The http header looks like this:
> <@ASSIGN local$DebugMode "ForceOff">
> <@ASSIGN local$FileExtension ".xls">
> <@ASSIGN local$FileName value="Labsvar">
> <@ASSIGN local$Tab '<@CHAR CODE="9">'>
> <@ASSIGN local$httpHeader 'HTTP/1.1 <@HTTPSTATUSCODE>
> application/vnd.ms-excel<@CRLF>Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename=<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR
> http://<@CGIPARAM SERVER_NAME>/<@VAR local$FileName><@VAR
> local$FileExtension><@CRLF><@CRLF>'>
> <@ASSIGN local$encodeResults FALSE>
> </@EXCLUDE><@PURGERESULTS><@var request$exceldata encoding="none">
> Hope anyone can guide me on this one.
> /Bengt
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