Title: Tough question

   I hate asking this question but most of you have either faced this question from your customers or management in the past or have addressed it yourselves. I figured I'd go to the people who know best.

   I have been strongly encouraged by my management to look for and train my people in a more mainstream product. They have been very patient (3 years now) and very pleased with the productivity that my group can deliver with Witango. However they can't take it upstairs to corporate. They can't find it in any trades, they can't find mention of it in any recent reviews, they can't find people who know it locally, etc. It makes them nervous. Hence the encouragement to move on.

   Witango has been a great tool for me for 10 years. I've been here since the Everyware days. However I understand management's nervousness. My question is, what mainstream product comes close to doing what Witango does? We're looking at Visual Studio, Oracle HTML DB, and some other tools. Some are slicker than Witango in that you can create templates, etc, but none come close to ease of use.

   Anyone have any suggestion for a migration path? We're a Windows shop currently using MS SQL Server but transitioning to Oracle. Thanks for any suggestions you can give.

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