With regards to .NET,

Server and Desktop licensing is always free on any modern Windows OS.

With .NET development, you only pay for the higher-end IDE's, if you want

The Express IDE versions are free, as well as SharpDevelop, which is an
open-source IDE for .NET


Also with .NET, aside from just Web apps - you can build Desktop apps, Web
Services (of course), Windows Services (a.k.a. NT Services), installers, DOS
Console apps, PocketPC apps, MS Office add-ins, and Web apps for mobile

And in the past 4 years there has only been one or two security issue that I
know of.


Does Zend help any with all the PHP issues?


Some points to consider.

>From  ~ Scott Cadillac,
        Software Programmer For Hire

Phone ~ 403-254-5002 
Web   ~ http://www.xmlx.ca

Mail  ~ XML-Extranet
        P.O. Box 69006
        RPO Bridlewood SW
        Calgary, Alberta
        Canada T2Y 4T9

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:17 AM
> To: witango-talk@witango.com
> Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Tough question
> I agree with you robert. I have also gotten some WiTango 
> contracts off list.
> Development is a big part of it. although the WiTango 
> development studio lite is free, it isn't full-featured and 
> there are many things you can't do with it. You can't seven 
> see the SQL from a search action.
> For development:
> - Cold Fusion development server 100% free - Dreamweaver 8 to 
> develop $99.00 total cost: $99.00
> - ASP.NET development w MSDN: $1099.00 (Gives you a copy of 
> every Microsft operating system, SQL Server, Sharepoint, 
> Office, Visual Studio.net enterprise, etc.......
> - Visual Studio Stand-alone --- FREE! Without MSDN 
> subscription. Microsoft has changed the rules!
> - PhP 100% FREE
> - WiTango Development studio - $779.00
> By the way, I developed a bugtracking system in WiTango for 
> tracking my projects. I am offering this FREE to anyone who 
> wants it. Full open-sourced and using an Access database, but 
> easily ported to another database platform. The url is:
> www.webenergy-sw.com/bugtracker
> Username: test
> Password: test
> For a full list of features email me. However it has email 
> notification to your client and you when a new message or 
> issue is posted, a WYSIWYG editor, and a whack of other features!
> I was going to try and get it listed on the WiTango site as a 
> free component, but haven't heard back from Phil.
>  <http://www.webenergy-sw.com/images/webenergylogo2.jpg>
> Rick Sanders
> President
> 519-498-7994
> www.webenergy-sw.com 
>       ----- Original Message ----- 
>       From: Robert Garcia <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>       To: witango-talk@witango.com 
>       Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:31 AM
>       Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Tough question
>       I wouldn't have left, if I thought it WASN'T dying. I 
> have so much invested, and I also love the platform. And I 
> have been active on this list, and active pursuing witango 
> inc. for the missing documentation, and bug issues to try to 
> do my part to help, but that is a dead end. 
>       Alot of witango devs contact me off list, and most, are 
> only using it until they have the ability to move off.
>       The unfortunate thing is, I think it is mainly the 
> support issues, pricing, documentation, lack of sample/get me 
> started code, and lack of developers that are the biggest 
> reasons. I think their are many more, but those are going to 
> be its death.
>       I think the only chance it has is to, like you said, 
> really push some great get me started code, or services based 
> on it, and to lower the price to something like $600/cpu for 
> standard server, and $199 for the studio, and get it in as 
> many hands as possible. It is way overpriced for its position 
> in the market. It has turned in to the red headed step child.
>       Also, they have come a long way in stability, but the 
> feature set has fallen way behind. Just look what you can do 
> in PHP, coldfusion, etc. with there built in APIs.
>       And with people like you, me, ben, and other "helpers" 
> on the list moving on, the support is even going to get worse.
>       -- 
>       Robert Garcia
>       President - BigHead Technology
>       VP Application Development - eventpix.com
>       13653 West Park Dr
>       Magalia, Ca 95954
>       ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
>       http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/
>       On Dec 14, 2005, at 7:51 AM, Rick Sanders wrote:
>               Reading the messages the past few days 
> certainly has me concerned. Is WiTango really dying?
>               I have been a die-hard Tango user since 1998, 
> and I love the product to death.
>               Unfortunately, I've had to take Cold Fusion as 
> my other web technology. I also took on ASP.Net and Microsoft 
> Content Management Server.
>               The web programming world has changed 
> drastically over the past 4 years, and customers want to have 
> a stable solution done is a platform that is well-known and 
> can easily be taken over by another developer.
>               PhP has seen giant advances in its product, and 
> has become mainstream for many Windows developers as well.
>               Personally, I think the only way to keep 
> WiTango alive is to build some main-stream solutions such as 
> a content management system, package it as a solution and sell it.
>               The hardest thing is to try and sell the 
> technology to a company who never heard of it. Add to the 
> fact that Cold Fusion & Dreamweaver 8 are just as fast for 
> developing web applications.
>               Finally, the money just isn't there like it 
> used to be. The days of the million dollar website are few 
> and far between, so we have to work 5 times as hard to keep 
> our income level at our same standards.
>               I still use WiTango, and still love the 
> product. I just feel like I'm selling pretzels when everyone 
> else is buying nachos.
> <http://www.webenergy-sw.com/images/webenergylogo2.jpg> 
>               Rick Sanders 
>               President
>               519-498-7994
>               www.webenergy-sw.com <http://www.webenergy-sw.com>  
>                       ----- Original Message -----
>                       From: Robert Garcia 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>                       To: witango-talk@witango.com 
> <mailto:witango-talk@witango.com> 
>                       Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1:25 AM
>                       Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Tough question
>                       Many have questioned PHPs ability in 
> the enterprise, for me, it was the zend platform that 
> answered that for me. 
>                       Here is a great resource to see how 
> yahoo made the move from their own proprietary code, to 
> zend/php - mysql.
>                       http://public.yahoo.com/~radwin/ 
> <http://public.yahoo.com/~radwin/> 
>                       Take a look at the pdf of a ppt 
> presentation done on 10/20/2005.
>                       -- 
>                       Robert Garcia
>                       President - BigHead Technology
>                       VP Application Development - eventpix.com
>                       13653 West Park Dr
>                       Magalia, Ca 95954
>                       ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
>                       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>                       http://bighead.net <http://bighead.net> 
> / - http://eventpix.com <http://eventpix.com> /
>                       On Dec 13, 2005, at 4:32 PM, Michael 
> Dittbrenner wrote:
>                               Robert
>                               We have also made the same 
> decision as you and for the same reasons. My witango server 
> CONSTANTLY goes down. We have decided to go with a LAMP stack 
> instead. Plus the amount of developers. Its a lot easier to 
> get a PHP developer.
>                               Mike D
>                               ****************************************
>                               Educational Directories Unlimited, Inc.
>                               Michael Dittbrenner
>                               Systems Administrator
>                               http://www.StudyAbroad.com 
> <http://www.StudyAbroad.com> 
>                               http://www.GradSchools.com 
> <http://www.GradSchools.com> 
>                               A service of EDU, Inc... 
> http://www.EDUdirectories.com <http://www.EDUdirectories.com> 
>                               A partner of EDU Internet 
> Strategies: http://www.EDUInternetStrategies.com/ 
> <http://www.EDUInternetStrategies.com/> 
>                               [Phone]  610-499-9200
>                               [Fax]    610-499-9205
>                               [E-mail] 
> ________________________________
>                               From: Robert Garcia 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
>                               Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 6:02 PM
>                               To: witango-talk@witango.com 
> <mailto:witango-talk@witango.com> 
>                               Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: 
> Tough question
>                               Take a look at Zend/PHP. Pay 
> special attention to the Zend Platform.
>                               I haven't posted it yet, but I 
> have decided to completely move off of the witango platform 
> for many reasons, and we have just purchased our licenses for Zend.
>                               Why PHP over others?
>                               First, I wouldn't have chosen 
> php on its own, it was the zend package that made it the 
> witango killer for me. Only $999 per cpu per year, with 
> unlimited support. This have been my main beef with Witango. 
> The support, IMHO, has a lot to be desired. I am tired of 
> asking for left out documentation, and dealing with many 
> bugs, especially in the studio.
>                               Witango has always had one 
> great benefit, its fast to get to prototype. But this is 
> completely negated by a couple of factors.
>                               1. Too many bugs in the studio 
> that cuz workarounds, rebuilding actions, crashing, taking 
> more time than you desire. Especially the !CST bug on the 
> mac. I have to check each taf in a text editor, and fix 
> manually many times.
>                               2. Text encoding issues, and 
> other undocumented problems. For instance, witango most of 
> the time expects ISO-8859-1 and outputs it, but not always, 
> and the only way to find out, is tear your hair out trial and 
> error. I have asked for help/documentation, but apparently I 
> don't own enough servers, or this isn't considered 
> installation support, so I have to pay $1500 support 
> subscription, to get it. One issue that took me many hours to 
> get right, was that when you send text through a bean, 
> Witango expects ASCII coming out, and converts it to ISO. 
> This was very hard to detect. If I sent out ISO from the 
> bean, it didn't work, and if I sent ascii, and then looked 
> for ascii, it didn't work, but if I sent out ASCII from the 
> bean, and then treated the witango text from the bean as ISO, 
> it worked. I have asked Witango Inc, for 2.5+ years to 
> provide documentation on the beanhandler, and have still not 
> received it. Many requests.
>                               3. Due to things like the 
> encoding issues, trial and error with beans and stuff, you 
> lose your fast time to prototype when you prepare for 
> deployment. In prototype, it just has to work with some test 
> examples. In deployment, it has to work with whatever your 
> customers are going to throw at it, and effciently, so that 
> it doesn't peg a cpu, and take down your servers under load. 
> I find myself spending too many hours wrestling performance 
> out of witango, when I should be inventing.
>                               4. Code base. Periodically, I 
> see a post on the list, where is that one blog example? or 
> something like that. Do a google search for "php blog", or 
> whatever, and look at the tons of examples you have to choose 
> from. Support? Aside from my unlimited Zend support, there 
> are MANY lists, and google will be your best friend. When I 
> code in .NET, or VB, or RB, I can get tons of help and 
> examples from google, nothing on witango.
>                               5. Developer availability. 
> There are tons of php developers to choose from out there. 
> BTW, if you are a witango dev and good at php, send me your resume.
>                               Anyway, the hardest issue when 
> looking, was cluster management, and session tracking in a 
> cluster. Witango does this seamlessly. The Zend platform was 
> even easier to set up to do this. I have a test cluster of 4 
> php servers on Fedora core 4, and one zend management server. 
> I can hit my zend management console, and administer 
> everything, and get excellent status feedback. Just watch the 
> demo on the zend platform on the site.
>                               Also, on my zend management 
> console, I can change the php.ini settings on one server, 
> then clone the settings to any or all of the rest in one step.
>                               The dev studio has STEP 
> debugging, code folding, subversion support, cross platform, 
> yada yada. The Zend platform send events to your studio for 
> you to fix. Its a great product, can't wait to get it live.
>                               The platform does code 
> optimization, or precompilation. This is a sort of byte order 
> compilation that precompiles your scripts to get better 
> performance in looping and such.
>                               And for when I really need 
> performance, a fully optimized and documented java bridge 
> function for running java classes and beans.
>                               In the near future I will be 
> documenting my progress of switching it all over on my site, 
> at http://www.bighead.net/tools/ <http://www.bighead.net/tools/> 
>                               I have nothing against .NET, 
> but I find I can develop much faster, and there is so much 
> good, free/cheap code out there for php so that you are 
> rarely starting from scratch on a project. Also, I have had 
> some real world experience with linux vs. windows with 
> performance on the same hardware. I am loving fedora 4.
>                               Anyway, Zend gave me a volume 
> dicount, so only $799/cpu for my servers, so for 6 servers, 
> and 4 dev studios, I only paid $5691. And I get unlimited 
> support. And I have been testing it, it is excellent so far.
>                               --
>                               Robert Garcia
>                               President - BigHead Technology
>                               VP Application Development - 
> eventpix.com
>                               13653 West Park Dr
>                               Magalia, Ca 95954
>                               ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
>                               [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>                               http://bighead.net 
> <http://bighead.net> / - http://eventpix.com <http://eventpix.com> /
>                               On Dec 13, 2005, at 1:37 PM, 
> Wolf, Gene wrote:
>                               I hate asking this question but 
> most of you have either faced this question from your 
> customers or management in the past or have addressed it 
> yourselves. I figured I'd go to the people who know best.
>                               I have been strongly encouraged 
> by my management to look for and train my people in a more 
> mainstream product. They have been very patient (3 years now) 
> and very pleased with the productivity that my group can 
> deliver with Witango. However they can't take it upstairs to 
> corporate. They can't find it in any trades, they can't find 
> mention of it in any recent reviews, they can't find people 
> who know it locally, etc. It makes them nervous. Hence the 
> encouragement to move on.
>                               Witango has been a great tool 
> for me for 10 years. I've been here since the Everyware days. 
> However I understand management's nervousness. My question 
> is, what mainstream product comes close to doing what Witango 
> does? We're looking at Visual Studio, Oracle HTML DB, and 
> some other tools. Some are slicker than Witango in that you 
> can create templates, etc, but none come close to ease of use.
>                               Anyone have any suggestion for 
> a migration path? We're a Windows shop currently using MS SQL 
> Server but transitioning to Oracle. Thanks for any 
> suggestions you can give.
> ______________________________________________________________
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