Title: Re: Witango-Talk: @ASSIGN & XML?
Hmmmm that is interesting indeed! Does the <@LITERAL> assign the text following it to someDOMname?

On 7/25/06 4:44 PM, "Dale Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You have to be careful on your quoting, too...

<@assign name="someDOMname" scope="request" value="<@dom value='

and mighten it be a good idea to call this with <@literal > (see below)  ? Scott can speak better to this than I can.

<@assign name="someDOMname" scope="request" value="<@dom value='<@literal "<startthevalues>

On Jul 25, 2006, at 7:04 PM, Kaustav Acharya wrote:

Hi there,
 I am fairly new at all this, so please bear with me...
 So here is what I am trying to do. Take some information acquired by a user on a form, store them in variables, put the variables in XML format, assign the whole xml into a <@DOM> and shoot it off to our client using <@URL>
 My question is this:
 If my syntax looks like this:
<@ASSIGN NAME="someDOMname" SCOPE="request" VALUE=<@DOM VALUE="<startthevvalues>
Why does Tango return this error message?
Main Error Number: -902
An error occurred while parsing the XML.
 Expected equal sign

 Meta Stack Trace:
 Line    Meta Tag
*The meta stack is interpreted top-to-bottom: the top line shows the inner metatag that caused the error.
Line “2” of this particular resultshtml is the <@ASSIGN> syntax where I am trying to assign all the xml into the DOM variable. Am I missing something obvious here? I tried a soap approach, but it seemed to complicated, so I figured I would try something a little easier... What is the the expected “=” Tango is looking for?
 Any help would be great! Thanks!
 Kaustav Acharya
  Tango Programmer
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