In my case, I have very light load. Rarely more than 2 concurrent users. Not experiencing hung threads. Instead, the ODBC connection is being dropped and Witango query times out. Next hit, Witango re-establishes connection and off we go again until the next time. Next time could be hours or days.

In several instances, the first thread had not timed out yet (query timeout=5 min), user refreshed at 120 seconds, Witango starts new thread, recognizes connection was dropped, re-establish connection, first thread completes returning data, then second thread returns data.

-> Kent

On 1/23/2007 6:20 AM, Christian Carrier wrote:
I agree with Robert. We have quite a few intermittent failures especially
with Windows 2003 Server SP1+. It seems that threads get hung in Witango and
the only way to clear them is by recycling the Application. We see this with
MSSQL. Any long running queries / stored procedures seem to have the ability
to hang a Witango thread.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: Reliability of ODBC connections?

ALSO, when witango is is under load with slow connections, it can hang, and crash, it is a witango killer also. I have shown this over much testing with several DB vendors.


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