Hi Gene

To get started on creating the stored procedures you can right click on the
"Search Action" that you are using and then  slect SQL Query.

Copy and paste that into your Direct to Database Action or into a SQL query
window to test the query.


Also when I want to use a Direct to Database Action rather than a stored
procedure I assign the SQL to a vaiable:




FROM physio.v_ct100_de400 v1 

WHERE (v1.id_de100org=<@VAR v_Dept_de100 SCOPE=Request> AND
v1.id_ct100cont=<@VAR contactID SCOPE=Request>) 

ORDER BY 1 ASC,6 ASC' Scope="Request">

_______________or a more comples sample______________



FROM physio.v_ct100_de400 v1,physio.ct100 c2 

WHERE (c2.id_ct100cont=v1.id_ct100cont)

<@IF EXPR="(<@ARG range>>=1)"><@! COMMENT="range = org or dept">

        AND (v1.id_de100org=<@VAR v_Dept_de100 SCOPE=Request>)


<@! COMMENT="if search by ORG then range=1 and is not = to2 

BUT if  search by dept then range=2 which is = to 2 and gretaer than 1">

<@IF EXPR="(<@ARG range>=2)"><@! COMMENT="range = more narrow by dept">

        AND (v1.id_de300orgdep=<@VAR v_Dept_de300 SCOPE=Request>)


<@! COMMENT="name,contactID,phone">

<@IF EXPR="('<@LENGTH STR="<@VAR sql_criteria SCOPE=Request>">'>=1)">

        AND <@VAR sql_criteria SCOPE=Request>


<@! COMMENT="de450 is role">

<@IF EXPR="('<@LENGTH STR="<@VAR sql_criteria_de450
SCOPE=Request>">'>=1)AND('<@ARG searchde450>'>=1)">

        AND <@VAR sql_criteria_de450 SCOPE=Request>


ORDER BY v1.ct100nmlast ASC,v1.ct100nmfirst ASC' Scope="Request">



This way I can even LOOP thru results from previous arrays to creat the new


<@ASSIGN NAME="sql_getRE400_PA_group"  VALUE="SELECT     id_pa100authztn,
MAX(re400startdate) AS re400startdate

FROM         physio.re400

WHERE     (id_rp350profileid IS NOT NULL) AND (id_ct100cont =

GROUP BY id_pa100authztn

HAVING      (MAX(re400startdate) < CONVERT(DATETIME, '<@VAR
v_datestring_y_m_d SCOPE=Request> 00:00:00', 102)) 


<@ROWS START=1  STEP=1 STOP=<@VAR nr_pa100id SCOPE=Request>

        (id_pa100authztn = <@COL NUM="1">) 

        <@IF EXPR='(<@CURROW> <<@VAR nr_pa100id SCOPE=Request>)' TRUE='OR'



ORDER BY MAX(DISTINCT id_rp350profileid) DESC, MAX(DISTINCT re400startdate)
DESC" SCOPE="Request">


Then in the DDB just use the VAR:      <@VAR sql_contactDD SCOPE=Request>


I have a lot of DDB like this on Microsoft SQL and the speeds run about 40
miliseconds to process.

I prefer to use stored procedures but sometimes cant beat a DDB.


Janet Case 


From: Wolf, Gene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 8:50 AM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Witango-Talk: Very puzzling...


   I have a situation here that I find very puzzling. So I am going back to
the experts for advice. 

   We have a few applications that, by their nature, perform thousands of
requests against a SQL database and return thousands of records. I am quite
sure that the coding of the application isn't as good as it could be and we
will look into rewriting it. Here's our issue: This program, from start to
the time it displays the returning page will take about 3 minutes. (stop
groaning). We are testing this same application on a new box containing 8
dual core cpu's. I would expect one of those cpus to be pegged while Witango
rips through these thousands of requests. Just the opposite. The cpus
indicate hardly anything happening on the box. The same is true of SQL
server. Even though I am literally throwing thousands of requests at SQL
2005 I'm seeing virtually no cpu activity on that box either.

   It looks almost like Witango is waiting for something, processes a
request, waits a bit more, processes the next request, waits again, etc. The
environment is Windows Server 2003. One Box is running Witango 5.5 with 8
dual core processors and the other box is Windows Server 2003 running SQL
Server 2005. Yes, this program is coded and does some looping but I would
still expect it to run one heck of a lot faster than it is.

   Any suggestions? 

Gene Wolf 
Supervisor, Business Systems 
DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems-Optronics 
2330 Commerce Park Drive NE 
Palm Bay, Florida 32905 
Phone: 321-309-0685 
           321-309-0202 (fax) 

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