I thought so too, but again when I tried it,

An error occurred while processing your request:

File: EvergreenGolf.taf
Position: Results14
Class: Internal
Main Error Number: -618

The COLS argument cannot be parsed.
@SORT: Invalid column specified

Meta Stack Trace:

Meta Tag
<@SORT ARRAY="finalList" SCOPE="user" COLS="#3 num asc">

On Aug 27, 2007, at 12:46 PM, Jesse Parker wrote:

Hmm.  I think the sort expression is supposed to be "#3 asc"...

-----Original Message-----
From: David Mark Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 3:30 PM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: <@SORT> out of sorts


thanks for idea.

After searching for the rounds, I do an average thing and put it into
<@VAR finalList>

When I display <@VAR finalList>,

I get this

Gabe Anderson 43.
Steve Anderson 46.
Kyle Bliquez 45.5
Chris Gutzman 37.
Greg Keafer 37.5
Jared Powell 46.5
Jeff Repman 36.5
Josh Vizcaino 38.5
Taylor Whitman 50.

Names are correct Averages are correct.

Then I do the Sort thing:

<@SORT ARRAY="finalList" scope="user" cols="3 num asc">

Then  <@VAR finalList>

I see no change in the sort order.

It worked before on Tango2000 running on OS9 Webstar, But that server
is going away.

Is it possible that the finalList isn't an array at all? How do I
make it so? How do I know?

OSX Server 10.4.10
PrimeBase 4.2.49
Witango 5.5

Thanks for your help


On Aug 27, 2007, at 11:29 AM, Jesse Parker wrote:

Suggest you check that the column reference
"common.Rounds.ScoreDec" is
valid on your new server.

If that reference is bad, Totalscores might be zero, and the array
won't be

-----Original Message-----
From: David Mark Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 9:30 PM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Witango-Talk: <@SORT> out of sorts

Hi Guys,

I just moved a site from one server to another.

Al of the sudden, <@sort> isnt' working.

<@ASSIGN name=Totalscores scope=local value="<@CALC expr='<@VAR
TotalScores> + <@COLUMN 'common.Rounds.ScoreDec'>' format="num:simple-

<@if expr="<@VAR Totalscores> > 0">
<@ASSIGN Name=NewArray Value="<@ARRAY scope=local rows=1 cols=3
value='<@COLUMN 'common.Rounds.FirstName'>,<@COLUMN
'common.Rounds.LastName'>,<@CALC expr="(<@VAR Totalscores> / <@VAR
scores>)" format="num:simple-float">' name='TempArray' >"

<@ADDROWS ARRAY="finalList" SCOPE="user" VALUE="@@local$NewArray"


<@SORT ARRAY="finalList" SCOPE="user" COLS="3 asc">

I get no sorting here.

What gives?


Mark Weiss

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Mark Weiss

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Mark Weiss

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