Web 2.0 is really a misnomer but if you are asking if anyone is using
Witango and AJAX which is a Web 2.0 type technology yes.
I see no reason why there would be issues with Adobe Spry or Jquery or any
of the others.

I haven't seen any issues so far.

Its really all JavaScript Libraries anyway.

See my second post on Opening Modal window for a link to GreyBox and an
example of its use in a Witango site.
Dan Stein
FileMaker 7 Certified Developer
Digital Software Solutions
799 Evergreen Circle
Telford PA 18969
Land: 215-799-0192
Cell: 610-256-2843
Fax 215-799-0192 ( Call 1st)
FMP, WiTango, EDI,SQL 2000, MySQL, CWP

'I wonder why we say that people are of different "races". It seems to me,
we're all running at the same speed and heading towards the same
destination. The only "winners" are the ones who've made the world a better
place for having been here.'
>From for Better or Worse 2/28/2006

> From: Norman Wheatley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "witango-talk@witango.com" <witango-talk@witango.com>
> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:45:09 -0800
> To: <witango-talk@witango.com>
> Subject: Witango-Talk: Witango and web 2.0
> Hi,
> Is anyone using Witango for a web 2.0 application?
> thanks
> Norm
> ________________________________________________________________________
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