I used to do something similar, and I had a great mackie mixer that did a great job. Mackie makes great stuff, and not to expensive, something like this:


and adapters to connect:




Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development - eventpix.com
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/

On Dec 28, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

Hi Sri,

I don't think we've heard from you for a while. Keeping busy?

This will allow you to listen to all the channels
simultaneously (cacophony in my opinion, but hey, I am not the one

It's not so much that I want to listen to multiple streams of music at once, it's more that I want to hear the various sound prompts from the computers whenever they happen, audio from videos like YouTube, and the background sound therapy I have on (special white- noise at low volume) while listening to music (I don't always use the same machine for playing music or video, and I have more desktop than laptops these days).

I can do it now, but it means 3 sets of speakers crowding my desk, and then physically unplugging and plugging cables if I want to tune in my short-wave radio onto a decent set of speakers, and stuff like that.

Thank you for the detailed description of how to build all this. I used to love doing this stuff when I was kid - but I honestly don't know if I would ever have the time or patience to build this now (aside from work, I'm also renovating a 100 year old house), so I respectfully express my gratitude Sri, but decline your generous offer.

There must be something ready made from somebody that does something this simple? 4 or more small audio input jacks, with some measure of volume control for each, to produce one "mixed" level of audio output to one set of speakers.

I appreciate your reply, and sorry if I haven't been more clear on what I was looking for. Thanks.


On Friday, December 28, 2007 2:12am, Sri Amudhanar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

I used to do a lot of electronics a long time ago. Here is a simple way
to do what you want to do:
Buy some 4.7 Kilo Ohm resistors (say 10) by mail order. Solder one end of 5 resistors together and hook this common point to input of the left
channel in you amplifier.
Do the same for the right channel. Now each free end of the resistors
becomes an independent input for any source you choose. Take left and
right channel pairs and hook them up to shiny gold plated RCA
connectors, and mount the connectors on the terminal box. You can build this passive mixer for a few bucks. Purists consider this type of mixers the best because not being active (no transistors) they don't contribute distortion. It does cut the max volume down a bit, but when did you ever
play full blast? If you are picky, reduce the resistor to 1K Ohm.
Of course you also need a ground line (or return path for each channel (for each source from each connector)). If you are working with only a
few sources the wiring doesn't get too complicated.
You control the master volume from the main amplifier. You control the individual sources from the volume control of the sources themselves (if you use speaker or headset outputs of the sources). So you have all the
flexibility. This will allow you to listen to all the channels
simultaneously (cacophony in my opinion, but hey, I am not the one
listening!), just like the volume controls on your computer based mixer
with CD, AUX, MIC, MIDI and PCM inputs.
If you are seriously interested and verbal description is not working,
express your displeasure and I will make a drawing.
Have fun.
Sri Amudhanar
Maxys Corporation
Ashburn, VA

Scott Cadillac wrote:
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your time on the search. I think what I need is something more like
this unit:


Where all the inputs are active at the same time, not just a single one switched on. I'd have to get line adapters and a mess of cables though - I guess I was just hoping for something that was "ready made" for the small stereo jacks and impedance rating that computers and small devices like the iPod output.

I miss Radio Shack. They were my favorite store when I was kid, but they left Canada a few years ago. Unfortunately the online Radio shack doesn't ship to Canada directly. The chain that replaced them him is sub-par and don't carry all
the same stuff.

Oh well, I appreciate the effort, I'll keep searching. Thank you.


On Thursday, December 27, 2007 10:07pm, Robert Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

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