Hi All,

I would like to support Robert's sales pitch. I am one of those developers
hosting with Tronics.  Robert has always provided exemplary service, and
it is what has actually made it possible for me to stay with Witango. He is
very knowledgeable about Witango and keeps his servers humming.  I
highly recommend him and his hosting service.


At 02:06 PM 10/20/2008, you wrote:

A few of you have recently posted that you have some lingering projects in
Witango that don't warrant conversion. Others have voiced concerns about the
lifetime of the current version.

Please excuse the "sales pitch" but I would like to put out there that I am
committed to supporting Witango 5.5 in my shared hosting environment for
many years to come. I support a few developers that continue to write in
Witango 5.5, as do I. I am also looking forward to version 6 where I hope to
provide high-end hosting solutions and help improve the product.

In addition, I also offer a Windows Virtual Server solution where I can host
your current configuration including your current Witango/Tango licenses
(whatever version they are) and any customizations you may have. The virtual
environment abstracts the hardware from the software making long term
maintenance much easier.

While I share everyone's disappointment in the current state of the product,
I just wanted to mention that it is possible to significantly extend the
lifetime of existing applications and the current Witango 5.5 technology.

Robert Shubert

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