I can be daunting at first. My recommendation, is pick a small app or site you have already done in witango. Then write in PHP. Just dive in and do it. Eventually, it will be second nature.


Robert Garcia
President - BigHead Technology
VP Application Development - eventpix.com
13653 West Park Dr
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 x222 fax: 530.645.4040
http://bighead.net/ - http://eventpix.com/

On Oct 20, 2008, at 8:42 AM, WebDude wrote:

Hello all,

Well, I have a problem and maybe some of you could help me. I have been using nothing but Tango and Witango since I started developing many years ago. Started on Mac with Butler and eventually moved to Windows. Witango is all I have ever used and now I am in a quandry. I see the writing is on the wall and though I have resisted for many years, it seems that I am going to
have to take the plunge and figure out what to do for what I have that
already exists and for the future. The problem is that I am so comfortable with what I have that moving is going to take a lot of effort. I have been going through the different options out there and I am so confused as to editors, parsers, etc. that I really do not know which direction to turn. I have a very small smattering of ASP which I hacked in order to get a site that was moved to our servers to work, but that is the only other language
that I even attempted to try. The real crux of the problem is that
everything out there looks very confusing and so far removed from what I currently have. I am fairly adept in SQL, Witango, HTML and CSS but I have
never taken the time to learn anything new.

I downloaded some PHP editors, some sample ASP stuff, and to tell you the truth, I just don't get a lot of it. Is there anything out there that gives as visual of an interface as Witango? Or maybe is there a specific place you
can go to relearn the logic that it will take to use any of the tools
available? I think PHP is probably the place to start, but I am totally confused as to how to go about it. I would prefer to continue using IIS as I am very familiar with it along with the security. I went to the PHP site and it seems that there are pages upon pages of just the install for IIS. Or, how about editors? Are there any that you would recommend? Keep in mind my Witango background. I never went to school for any of this stuff and I have some pretty complicated things running on my sites from forums to streaming
PDFs, data access management systems to e-commerce.

This is going to be tough, but I need to take it one step at a time...

 <title>PHP Test</title>
<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>

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