He said that responding to the accusations of Robert would just fan the
flames and
he would not get involved in a public debate about all of that stuff. He
said that if anyone
was concerned, they could contact him directly like I did. He believed that
if he didn't
respond to the list, the hubbub would eventually die out.

He was right that the hubbub did eventually die out but not without damage.
That was the
turning point where many developers decided to either leave the product or
at least learn
another language out of fear that With Ent. was not responsive and therefore
not a viable
company. Their commitment to Witango was very weakened at that point.


It's a public forum that needs to have issues addressed. Phil has to make a
public statement and close the subject by inviting Robert to contact him
directly about issues. It's his list and he should have taken control of it.
Instead he just sat in the back and did nothing at all. Sticking your head
in the sand doesn't make things go away, it just shows that you can be
pushed around easily.

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