Way out of line. and this is not why I noted fb. I thought if the comment about Sophie was real or people cared to know about Phil outside of witango and had a more personal relationship with him they might look there.

Why all this bitterness. Phil did respond. so how about getting back to work, lay off all the angry stuff and give him or someone else from with to respond again in a few days.

And even if they don't hasn't everyone had a chance to say what they think and vent?

Do you really think starting all over again will accomplish anything rick?

Dan Stein MSN
Digital Software Solutions

On Sep 24, 2009, at 10:33 PM, Rick Sanders wrote:

This is getting pathetic! FB is for friends and family. We're not friends, we're former customers of his business that are ticked off with him because
there hasn't been any WiTango updates. Phil isn't even a member of the
WiTango FB group! I for one won't go chasing him down on FB or any other social site. His responsibility is to this list and if he chooses to make a
statement to the community he'll address us here or update the WiTango

Rick Sanders
Canada: 902-431-7279
USA:       919-799-9076
Canada: www.webenergy.ca
USA:       www.webenergyusa.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Wolfley [mailto:t...@ogdengroup.com]
Sent: September-24-09 10:15 PM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: RE: Witango-Talk: And We're Back To Silence

Thanks, didn't even think of that but I don't use fb that regularly. So
which profile is the correct one?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Stein [mailto:d...@dss-db.com]
Sent: Thu 9/24/2009 4:50 PM
To: witango-talk@witango.com
Subject: Re: Witango-Talk: And We're Back To Silence

and if you really care about the wade family and how they are doing in
general he is of course like many of us on FB so friend him
Dan Stein MSN
FileMaker 7 Certified Developer
FileMaker 9 Certified Developer
Digital Software Solutions
303 W. Chestnut St
Souderton PA 18964
Land: 215-799-0192
Cell: 610-256-2843
Fax 215-799-0192 ( Call 1st)

'I wonder why we say that people are of different "races". It seems to
me, we're all running at the same speed and heading towards the same
destination. The only "winners" are the ones who've made the world a
better place for having been here.'
From for Better or Worse 2/28/2006

On Sep 24, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Stefan Gonick wrote:

I don't think that snide comments are helpful. I understand that
they are coming
from a place of frustration.

Phil, I know that you are not a communicator, but it would really be
helpful if you
could respond one more time before being out of touch for another
lengthy period.
Just be honest with us instead of non-responsive. We want more news
about version 6.
If all you can say is that you're working on it but can't give us an
estimate as to when
it will be done, that would at least be respecting us by giving a
response. Please.


At 03:43 PM 9/24/2009, you wrote:
Shhh! Genius at work...

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Steve Smith <ssm...@oakbridge.ca>

Steve Smith

Oakbridge Information Solutions
Oakville Office:         (416) 628-0793
Cambridge Office:   (519) 489-0142
Email:  ssm...@oakbridge.ca
Web: www.oakbridge.ca

Certified DayLite Master Partner
FileMaker Solutions Alliance Member
MoneyWorks Consultant
LightSpeed Authorized Reseller





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