On 09/06/2013 10:25 AM, Wim Dumon wrote:
>     6) simplechat doesn't work fine under FF18 :
>     http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/1010/6xw8.png
> Hmmm, can you file a bug report for that? Do you see the same problems 
> with the online simplechat?
I files a bug report at: http://redmine.webtoolkit.eu/issues/2188
I suggest to create a new project under redmine (ex. Wt SDK) to give the 
contributor a chance to contribute in Wt SDK. BTW, the online simplechat 
works fine under Firefox 18

>     7) simplechat doesn't work fine under IE8 :
>     http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/2123/ywnq.png
> I can't reproduce that. Do you see the same problems with the online 
> simplechat?
I see same problem with online simplechat and filed a new bug report at: 

>     8) I didn't saw GraphicsMagick libs!
> It's a pain to compile from a script (they don't use cmake ;-)). It's 
> on the todo list.
OH man get rid of CMake; I'm using Qt Creator with qmake since years ago 
and I'm too happy with it; It's just a suggestion ;-)

>     I suggest too:
>     1) I suggest to put all the examples (binaries and sources) under
>     "example" folder.
> Problem on Windows: the .exe requires the .dll and those are 
> automatically searched in the cwd. That's why we put them in bin for now.
You can add all the requirements to PATH variable. I think it's better 
to separate the binaries of example from the core binaries of Wt

>     2) I suggest to add Dbo backend for MySQL (I prefer MariaDB instead of
>     MySQL specially there are many organizations working on leaving
>     MySQL to
>     MariaDB). 
> Planned, didn't want to make you wait much longer for first preview. I 
> was indeed planning to use MariaDB iso MySQL (Wt supports both).
Thanks a lot;

I suggest to add the modified files to ppa:pgquiles/wt. BTW, why you 
didn't create official PPA same other great open source projects?

>     5) I suggest to add I18N Example (similar to Qt example at:
>     https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/tools-i18n.html) for
>     showing
>     multi-language support with different layouts of RTL/LTR or you can
>     modify formexample (I can help you with Arabic). BTW, all GWT examples
>     shows multi-language support with multi-layouts.
> All our widgets should support LTR and RTL, so indeed it would be good 
> if we could demonstrate that. The choice between RTL and LTR currently 
> has to happen at startup (i.e. in the constructor of WApplication), so 
> we'd need a separate arabic example. Contribution welcomed!
OK I'll try to create a demo but don't forget I'm still a newbie :)

>     6) Because this distro guided to MSVS developers I suggest to add .sln
>     files to all examples.
> Good suggestion, but I'm afraid it's a lot of work (unless generated 
> by cmake).
As I'm Qt developer (Qt Creator fan) I can promise you that I'll 
contribute to create .pro files for all Wt examples (just keep me away 
from MSVS heheheh)

>     I created a new Console project then added the following paths to the
>     project but I got linking errors!
>     http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/6169/dvmu.png
>     http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4004/7ov2.png
> In Linker Input, specify the wt libraries you want to link to: wt.lib 
> and wthttp.lib for release builds, wtd.lib and wthttpd.lib for debug 
> builds.
Thanks; It works fine

>     BTW, is there any hope in the near future to create a distro for Qt
>     Creator (MinGW) instead of OR additional to MSVS (Qt Creator took one
>     min. from me to start a Wt project under Mint)?
> We can provide a similar package for MinGW, but I'm always confused 
> about what MinGW compiler I should use for maximum compatibility. I've 
> tested with two variants, as documented in the Wt wiki. Any suggestions?
Qt guys uses http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/ if I’m not 
wrong; It's fast & stable you can use it too.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi

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