Hey Joe,

(I'm working through old unanswered emails ...)

Did you get this solved? I'm not sure I understand the issue -- the
desired behavior sounds like the default behavior of a web browser
(and Wt); there is no need for a WScrollArea even ?


2013/4/25 Joe VanAndel <vanan...@ucar.edu>:
> I'm writing a Wt application (3.3.0) that needs to run on different size
> displays.  On smaller displays, I'd like to use scrollbars so my users can
> see all of the window content.
> If I don't call WScrollArea::setHeight(), the vertical scrollbar doesn't
> work property - I can't scroll far enough to see all my content.
> However, if I do call WScrollArea::setHeight(), the "active" area, where my
> content is displayed, never grows, even if I increase the size of the
> window.
> I tried using the layoutSizeChanged() callback to set the height of the
> scrollbar.  However, although the reported width changes while I'm resizing
> the window, the reported height always stays the same.
> I've seen this behavior with Firefox 20, Safari 6.04, and Chrome Version
> 26.0.1410.65
> Any ideas on how to have a working vertical scrollbar that resizes as the
> window resizes?
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