Title: Setting property value with another property value

Hi, I have a little problem trying to do this the right way.
Because I get a warning compiling when a property value is set to [FILEPATH] and [INSTALLPATH][WEBCONFIGFILE].
The warning message hint that one should set this using a custom action with the property and value field.
I have not tried using CA's in this way and are kinda lost. Any help is very appreciated.

<Property Id="QtExecCmdLine"
Value=".\Deploy.Tools\XmlPreprocess.exe /i ?SetWebConfigPath_Value_Here? /s ?SetSettingsPath_Value_Here? /NoLogo"/>

<CustomAction Id="QtExec" BinaryKey="WixUtilExtension" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Execute="immediate" Return="check"/>
<Binary Id="WixUtilExtension" SourceFile="[ProgramFilesFolder]\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\WixUtilExtension.dll" />

<CustomAction Id="SetWebConfigPath" Property="CASetCPath" Value="[INSTALLPATH][WEBCONFIGFILE]" />
<CustomAction Id="SetSettingsPath" Property="CASetSPath" Value="[FILEPATH]" />



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