Soon as I saw that Wix V2 required me to enter short file names I
immediately tossed it in the garbage (keeping backwards 8.3 filenames in the
OS was one of Microsoft's stupidest ideas) and moved to Wix V3.   The only
issue I've had with Wix V3 is that it didn't work properly for installing
device drivers so I had to roll my own custom action for that.

It would be great if there were easier ways to do UI*, but as far as
comparing to V2 goes it's a slight improvement for that too.

*since I'm whining about the UI...

Strangely enough Wix supports localized UIs, yet it requires you to layout
all the UI components using absolute positioning.  I guess all languages
take the same amount of space ;-) ?

I don't know if it is possible, but I would love to see some sort of simple
auto-layout for UI components and a better syntax for describing flow
between dialogs with the back/next buttons when conditions require you to
insert or skip specific panels.  For example, it should be possible to have
Wix automatically handle the logic for the "back" button.

Ok, enough complaining... overall Wix V3 has been very usable.  I plan to
release a product built from it within a couple months.


On 1/8/07, Mike Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am also interested in the planned timetable for WiX V3 taking over as
the stable version. Is it close to achieving that or is it many months or
even years away?

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