

WiX 2.0 is being considered for use in a project since it is stable and
essentially final (escrow).  The target systems are Windows XP and
Windows 2003. 


The objectives for setup are as follows, but there have been issues
attempting to meet these:

*       Single setup MSI that will dynamically handle both new installs
and upgrades
*       Ability to perform configuration on new install (e.g. SQL
Server, IIS, Permissions)
*       Ability to persist configuration when upgrading (e.g. database)
*       Ability to perform cleanup on uninstall (e.g. drop database,
force deletion of installation directory [even if new files/folders have
been added], remove virtual IIS sites/applications)



Various searches have been done related to these issues.  Some of the
more informative web pages found include the following:

*       http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555184
*       http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/lesson4.php
w3ee591c7ma684a8449b0a2ddb%40mail.gmail.com (appears very similar to my
issue, but doesn't seem to solve this particular case)



Methods Attempted

Custom Actions


*       Can detect in code whether each install, commit, rollback, and
uninstall action is occurring as part of a new install, reinstall,
upgrade, or removal.


*       Have to write code (sometimes a lot) for what would otherwise be
simple WiX elements (e.g. database, IIS, permissions, etc.)


*       There is a major custom actions bug-during an upgrade, old
actions are executed instead of the new ones.  This has been replicated
with both Visual Studio 2005's default installer AND WiX.  See Microsoft
KB at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555184 (note that no resolution is


Minor Upgrade


*       Have not found a way for the same MSI to handle both new
installs and upgrades
*       Property arguments have to be provided on the command line when
the upgrade is minor, but REINSTALL and REINSTALLMODE cannot be present
when it is a new install.


Major Upgrade


*       Can set the UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect attribute to prevent a
clearing out of data during an upgrade uninstall/reinstall


*       Creates multiple entries under Add or Remove Programs



To try to get started, I have been building off a sample WiX project
available for download from 
aspx.  I have attached the .wxs file with which I have been working.


Given the stated objectives, is it possible to generate such an MSI with
WiX?  If there were a way to prevent the duplicate Add or Remove
Programs entries, the Major Upgrade method using OnlyDetect might work.
I would appreciate any insight or pointers.



Thank you,


Attachment: ManagedCASample.wxs
Description: ManagedCASample.wxs

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