Thank you for the reply.  I have removed the OnlyDetect attribute from
the UpgradeVersion element.  When moving from one version to the next, I
perform the following changes:

*       Product Version number
*       Product GUID
*       Package GUID


All other GUID's remain unchanged.


Based on, I made the "later"
scheduling of RemoveExistingProducts be after InstallFinalize in the
InstallExecuteSequence.  According to, InstallFinalize
appears by default to be the last action in the InstallExecuteSequence.


After implementing those described changes, the generated MSI can both
upgrade an existing installation (while preserving existing data and not
firing the uninstall actions) as well as load a new install; however,
multiple entries are still generated in Add or Remove Programs. 


I have attached the updated wxs file.  Have I missed something, or is
there a better time to schedule the RemoveExistingProducts action?



Thank you,




From: Bob Arnson
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Performing both New Installs and Upgrades with
a Common MSI


Matthew Sheets wrote: 

Major Upgrade


*       Can set the UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect attribute to prevent a
clearing out of data during an upgrade uninstall/reinstall


*       Creates multiple entries under Add or Remove Programs

If you use OnlyDetect, you're not creating a major upgrade; that's why
you have multiple entries in ARP. As the name implies, OnlyDetect
doesn't remove the previous version. If you keep your component GUIDs
stable and schedule RemoveExistingProducts late, then MSI won't
uninstall the component and the WiX custom actions won't trigger
uninstall behavior.


Attachment: ManagedCASample.wxs
Description: ManagedCASample.wxs

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