Actually SMS can push support files like bootstappers out with the msi to the 
distribution points and invoke them as part of their package definition.  In 
fact, SMS doesn't really even require MSI's although MSIs generally behave 
  The scenario you describe is a limitation of GPO since GPO can only invoke 
  Regardless you are correct,  bootstrapper checks should have redundant 
LaunchConditions as the user could have invoked the MSI instead of the EXE.  
  As a note:  When using SMS, always distribute the MSI outside of the EXE( 
fully ,exposed ) as this is the only way the SMS Advanced Client can be aware 
of the packages ProductCode and have access to the MSI for assisting in source 
resolution.   It should also be noticed that SMS ( atleast the last time I used 
it )  only correlates the distribution point to the MSI source if the DP is 
considered `local`.  It does not do this for remote DP's.   I wrote about this 
back in 2004 ( bullets 4 and 5 )

        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
        My understanding is that your understanding is correct. Your MSI should 
include checks (coded in Wix as as <condition> elements under the fragment / 
product – i.e. a launch condition) for the prerequisites just in case someone 
wants to install your product using an enterprise-wide system management tool 
like Microsoft’s SMS (in which case they are likely to do so using the MSI 
itself, not a bootstrapper). Your bootstrapper will make the experience for 
“regular” users friendlier by ensuring those prerequisites have been met prior 
to triggering the installation of your MSI.

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