> I am supposed to create a MSI package using WiX that can 
> detect whether the computer it's on has 32-bit or 64-bit 
> architecture, and install different files for each. I have 
> browsed Nabble and found replies that say making a single 
> installer that does this is impossible, such as these:
> http://www.nabble.com/32-and-64-bit-installer-in-one-tf2635209.html
> http://www.nabble.com/64-bit-newbie-question-tf3979370.html
> However my boss is not satisfied with this explanation and 
> wants a detailed technical explanation of why WiX or Windows 
> Installer cannot do this. Could any of you give this 
> explanation or perhaps suggest an alternative that I could 
> do? Any links to outside sources would be great, since I 
> suspect my boss doesn't trust Nabble much.

Fundamentally it's an MSI restriction. From msi.chm:

"A Windows Installer package must be specified as either a 32-bit or a
64-bit package; it cannot be specified as neutral."


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