In regards to Rob Mensching's comment,
>Statically link.  That's what all the WiX CustomActions do and while it
>makes the DLLs a bit bigger it totally minimizes the number of
>dependencies (especially nasty ones like the Win32 SxS CRT junk).

Static linking definitely seems like the right thing to do.  This is what I
have done with VC 2003 and earlier for previous installs.  However I have
noticed that some programs, such as a WTL 8.0 Win EXE (I avoid MFC) I wrote,
did not work on a lot of XP Pro SP2 machines when I statically linked it.
The dialogs would not load their resource templates and were completely
blank.  However, when I linked the CRT as a DLL, it worked;  I don't know

Also, if the CLR is used in a CA, i.e. a managed function exported as an
unmanaged functions as opposed to the installutil type components, I believe
that you can't use static linking to the CRT and that the CRT has to be
linked in as a DLL.  Mayber CA's using managed code is not such a good
idea.  I know some people are against managed code in CA's, but if you know
that .NET 2.0 is on the box, they can save a lot of time.
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